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    Tag: Kristina J. Hoff

    Managing Sport and Leisure, Volume 28, 2023, Issue 1

    Managing Sport and Leisure is a refereed journal that publishes high quality research articles to inform and stimulate discussions relevant to sport and leisure management globally. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Outcomes of NFL Europa on community sport clubs byJulian Alonso Restrepo & Christine Wegner.

    International Journal of Sport Management, Vol. 24, 2023, No. 1

    The International Journal of Sport Management publishes high quality academic journal articles in the field of sport management. The international scope and the breadth of its articles aims to represent the complete spectrum of the field. The Forum Editor’s fick from the currant issue: Multidimensional innovations of mega-sport events organizing committees: A pre-event analysis by Kristina J. Hoff & Becca Leopkey.

    Sport, Business and Management, Volume 12, 2022, Issue 5 | Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world

    SBM promotes the development of a coherent, high-quality body of work that examines both the business and management of sport, as well as the actors and stakeholders that align with sport to further their strategic objectives. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Competitive intensity in differently regulated men's football leagues: evidence from English premier league and German Bundesliga by Fabio Wagner, Mathias Schubert, Holger Preuss, Thomas Könecke.

    Journal of Global Sport Management, Volume 6, 2021, issue 3 | Olympic Games and Legacy

    JGSM aims to be the global platform for focused, rigorous, and interdisciplinary research that has originality, depth, and clarity of insights into significant issues and developments of interest to sport management. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Non-Host City Olympic Legacies: The Case of Athens, Georgia and the 1996 Olympic Games by Kristina J. Hoff & Becca Leopkey.
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