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    Call for Papers | 2025 Alliance for Sport Business Conference | Oklahoma State University, March 30–April 1. Call ends January 10, 2025

    The ASB was founded in 2011 to meet the needs and issues with the growing number of Sport Business Programs in accredited schools of business. The ASB philosophy is to create a collegial professional environment by sharing innovative and best practices in the areas of the assurance of learning models, curriculum, faculty teaching and intellectual development along with creating high-quality professional industry engagement opportunities. With that said, we are excited to extend an invitation to our much-anticipated 2025 ASB conference

    Call for Participants | University of Chichester Sports History Conference, June 17, 2023 | Tickets now available

    The University of Chichester's Institute of Humanities, in partnership with the Institute of Sport, Nursing and Allied Health, are hosting a Business and Community in Sports History conference. Our aim for this conference is to highlight how intrinsic the themes of business and community are to sport throughout its history, in both its professional and amateur forms. We understand the concepts of business and community in relation to sports and its history is vast.

    Call fo Papers | 10th International Sport Business Symposium | Tokyo, Japan, during the XXXII. Olympic Summer Games, August 4, 2020. Call ends November 30, 2019

    Papers about Olympic media, legacy, tourism, consumers, organizations, finance, economics, environment, Paralympics, politics and other Olympic-related topics for a double-blind review process are welcome. Everything related to sustainability and in particular to the environmental sustainability is in particular welcome. The official language for abstracts and the symposium is English.

    Call for Papers | Sport Economics & Sport Management (SESM), 5th ​​​​​​​​​International Conference | May 28–29, 2020, Pars, France. Call ends December 31, 2019

    The conference will provide a platform for exchanging innovative thoughts and creating cooperation between researchers in the fields of sport management and economics. We are inviting proposals for paper presentations as well as complete sessions consisting of three papers/presenters. The conference will be organized in cooperation with the International Association of Sports Economists (IASE).

    Call for Papers | 4th ​​​​​​​​​International Conference on Sport Economics & Sport Management (SESM) | Berlin, Germany, May 16–17, 2019. Call ends December 31, 2018

    The Sport Economics & Sport Management conference will provide a platform for exchanging innovative thoughts and creating cooperation between researchers in the fields of sport management and economics.. We are inviting proposals for paper presentations as well as complete sessions consisting out of three papers/presenters.

    Call for Papers | 3rd International Conference | “Sport Economics & Sport Management” (SESM) | May 10–11, 2018, in Vienna, Austria. Call ends December 31, 2017

    In line with IASE's mission, the conference seeks to further the interdisciplinary dialogue between sport economics, sport management, sport governance and related fields. A list of suggested topics may be found on the conference web site. However, any relevant subject is welcome as well as suggestions of entire sessions.

    Call for Papers | “Olympic Winter Games and Legacy” | 9th International Sport Business Symposium, Chuncheon, Korea, during the XXIII. Olympic Winter Games, February 2018. Call ends April 15th,...

    This call for abstracts is directed to researchers of all disciplines. The 9th International Sport Business Symposium calls for research papers directly related to the business of the Olympic Games; the upcoming 2018 Olympic Winter Games, as well as prior and future Olympic, Youth, and Paralympic Games.

    Call for Papers | “Innovation through Data-Driven Marketing Strategy Development in Sport” | Sport & Sponsorship-Linked Marketing Special Interest Group of American Marketing Association (AMA), August 4–6, 2017, San...

    The popularity of data driven decision-making in sports has impacted consumer engagement by trickling down to the fans, particularly true of young adults. There are now entire websites dedicated to the research and analysis of sports statistics and how they relate to predicted team/player performance. Another major category of analytics in sports revolves around marketing-oriented applications.

    Call for Papers | 2nd International Conference on Sport Economics & Sport Management (SESM) | May 11–12 2017, Berlin

    The conference will provide a platform for exchanging innovative thoughts and creating cooperation between researchers in the fields of sport management and economics. We are inviting proposals for paper presentations as well as complete sessions consisting out of three papers/presenters. This conference provides researchers with an opportunity to present theoretical, empirical, and policy‐oriented research.

    Call for Papers |14th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference | November 2-4, 2016, Indianapolis, IN

    The Sport Marketing Association welcomes the submission of abstracts for its 14th SMA Annual Conference to be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Indianapolis, IN, on November 2-4, 2016. Authors may submit abstracts for one of the following categories: Oral presentation; Panel discussion, symposium, or roundtable; or Poster presentation.
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