Tag: Karin Redelius
Youth sport research based on the CREATE principles, and giving young people a voice
The edited collection Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport (Routledge) presents a new framework for researchers in the field of physical education and youth sport, showcasing how the CREATE Principles for Research Design can facilitate meaningful research. Karin Redelius, well versed in the field of youth sports research, concludes that while the book is not the first one addressing children and research, its focus on Physical Education and youth sport research is a novel approach. and she expects to return to it many times.
Svensk idrottsforskning fyller 50!
Sedan historikern Jan Lindroth disputerade med sin avhandling om idrotten som folkrörelse 1974 har det gått ett halvt sekel, och således firar svensk idrottsforskning sitt femtioårsjubileum 2024. Under perioden har idrottsvetenskap vuxit fram som ett nytt utbildnings-, forsknings- och forskarutbildningsämne. Idag finns det idrottsvetenskapliga institutioner eller motsvarande vid tio lärosäten, och fem av dem har forskarutbildning. Forskningsämnena, som från början var pedagogik, historia och psykologi, omfattar idag över trettio olika ämnesdiscipliner.
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, Volume 14, 2023
SSSF, a multidisciplinary social sciences sport studies journal, welcomes articles that deal with sport and social change and social stability in a wide sense, articles about the profound and comprehensive processes affecting sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Motives, Motivation, and Motivational Climate of Young Norwegian Swimmers, and their Parents’ Belief by Ingeborg Ljødal, Bjørn Harald Olstad & Anne Marte Pensgaard (open access).
International Journal of Sport Communication, Volume 16, 2023, No. 2
The mission of IJSC is to provide a platform for academics and practitioners to disseminate research and information from diverse fields such as critical studies, sport management, advertising, etc. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Habitually Scrolling: An Examination Into How Sport Consumers Use Social Media by Heather Kennedy, Daniel C. Funk (open access).
Sport, Education and Society, Volume 28, 2023, Issue 5
Sport, Education and Society encourages contributions from social scientists and educationalists studying the relationships between pedagogy, ‘the body’ and society, The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘Selling youth sport: the production and promotion of immaterial values in commercialised child and youth sport by Jesper Karlsson, Magnus Kilger, Åsa Bäckström & Karin Redelius (open access).
Barn- och ungdomsidrottens entreprenörer på en kommersiell spelplan – en positioneringsanalys
I den här artikeln undersöker Jesper Karlsson och kollegor hur kommersiella idrottsentreprenörer inom barn- och ungdomsidrott positionerar sig själva och sina verksamheter i förhållande till den svenska föreningsidrotten. Här studeras olika positioner som entreprenörer intar i relation till barn- och ungdomsidrotten och diskurserna som omgärdar den utifrån entreprenörers perspektiv. Sammanfattningsvis positionerar entreprenörerna sig inte som ett hot mot den svenska idrottsrörelsen.
Child and youth sports entrepreneurs on a commercial playing field – a positioning analysis
In this article, Jesper Karlsson and colleagues investigate how commercial sports entrepreneurs in children’s and youth sports position themselves and their businesses in relation to Swedish association sports. Here, different positions that entrepreneurs take in relation to children's and youth sports and the discourses that surround it from the perspective of entrepreneurs are studied. In summary, the entrepreneurs do not position themselves as a threat to the Swedish sports movement.
Social (in)justice isms and critical pedagogies for change
Pedagogies of Social Justice in Physical Education and Youth Sport by Shrehan Lynch, Jennifer L. Walton-Fisette & Carla Luguetti (Routledge) offers an overview of contemporary debates in social justice and equity within youth sport in and outside of school. As a sport pedagogy professor, Karin Redelius is well placed for a review. She finds the book to be thin and thick – few but dense pages, providing a rich and pedagogical introduction to the concept of social justice in the physical education context.
Sport in Society, Volume 25, 2022, Issue 12
Academics in various disciplines are writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘The competent child and (in)competent others. Horse-riding school activities for preschool children by Annika Rosén, Gabriella Thorell & Susanna Hedenborg (open access).
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 20, 2022, Issue 4
IJSEP publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the science of physical activity, human movement, exercise, and sport. The journal’s Editors and Editorial Board encourage researchers and scholars worldwide to submit their work for publication. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Early specialisation among Swedish aesthetic performers: exploring motivation and perceptions of parental influence by Charlotte Downing, Karin Redelius & Sanna Nordin-Bates (open access).