Tag: Kalle Virtapohja
Paavo Nurmis succé i Norge och Sverige 1923
Paavo Nurmi föddes den 13 juni 1897. Han är en av världens främsta olympier genom tiderna. Han var en finländsk medel- och långdistanslöpare som tog nio guld i tre OS: 1920, 1924 och 1928. Paavo Nurmi dog 1973. Han är en stor nationalhjälte i Finland. I denna artikel av Peter Dahlén och Kalle Virtapohja skildras Paavo Nurmis tävlingar i Norge och Sverige för hundra år sedan, 1923.
Paavo Nurmi’s success in Norway and Sweden in 1923
Paavo Nurmi was born on June 13, 1897. He is one of the world's greatest Olympians of all time. He was a Finnish middle and long distance runner who won nine golds in three Olympics: 1920, 1924 and 1928. Paavo Nurmi was born in 1897 and died in 1973. He is a great national hero in Finland. In this article by Peter Dahlén and Kalle Virtapohja, Paavo Nurmi's competitions in Norway and Sweden a hundred years ago, in 1923, are described.
When the whole becomes less than the sum of the parts
While appreciating the individual contributions to The Many Faces of Snow Sports: Ski Congress 2017 anthology, edited by Heikki Roiko-Jokela & Piia Pöyhönen (Jyväskylä University Press), Daniel Svensson sees the book as an example of the problems inherent in international anthologies, where the different chapters don't communicate, and the editors don't do their job properly.