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    Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 48, 2016, No. 5

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies. The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to researchers, students, and practitioners.

    Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 48, 2016, No. 4

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies. The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to researchers, students, and practitioners.

    Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2016

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies. The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to researchers, students, and practitioners.

    Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2016

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies. The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to researchers, students, and practitioners.

    Journal of Leisure Research Vol. 48 No. 1

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies.  The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to  researchers, students, and practitioners.

    Journal of Leisure Research Vol. 47 No. 5

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies.  The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to  researchers, students, and practitioners.

    Journal of Leisure Research Vol. 47 No. 4

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies.  The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to  researchers, students, and practitioners.

    Journal of Leisure Research Vol. 47 No. 3

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies.  The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to  researchers, students, and practitioners.

    Journal of Leisure Research Vol. 47 No. 2

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies.  The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to  researchers, students, and practitioners.

    Journal of Leisure Research Vol. 47 No. 1

    The Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) publishes research findings from original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of recreation and leisure studies.  The findings of these cutting-edge research projects are relevant to  researchers, students, and practitioners.
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