Tag: Jesper Andreasson
An impressive collection, developed in the Swedish PE research environment
Håkan Larsson’s edited collection Learning Movements: New Perspectives of Movement Education (Routledge) provides a societal and epistemological background for new approaches in movement theory and practice. Gunn Helene Engelsrud’s review offers an insightful and elucidative reading, and critical points notwithstanding she concludes her review by asserting that the qualified selection of research makes the book rich and well worth studying and investigating.
Performing well and looking good – on drugs
Doping, as both practice and phenomenon, has largely been approached as a question of socio-cultural context and structures. April Henning’s and Jesper Andreasson’s edited volume Doping in Sport and Fitness (Emerald) argues that rigid differentiations between doping contexts – such as sport/fitness or elite/recreational – are less clear than it might seem. Andrew Bloodworth found the book an informative and interesting read, and he highly recommends it to those with an interest in this wide and complex field.
Short on pages, long on words
One way of analysing power is through the concept of hegemony. Hegemony and Sport: Power Through Culture in Theory and Practice by April Henning & Jesper Andreasson (Common Ground) focuses on how hegemony works, particularly in sport. Hallgeir Gammelsæter has read the slim volume and found that a mere 93 pages can sometimes take an unexpected amount of time to penetrate. In all fairness, you learn what you expect to learn, but in the end you’ve had to read a lot more than you expected.
En svensk ”Sport Management-kanon”
SISU Förlags ambitiösa trebandsutgåva Sport Management 1–3, under redaktion av Åsa Bäckström, Karin Book, Bo Carlsson och PG Fahlström, får genomgående positiva omdömen av idrottsforum.orgs recensenter, Søren Bennike som recenserade del 1 i oktober 2019, och Julius Z. Strömberg i föreliggande recension av delarna 2 och 3. Strömberg efterlyser visserligen ett nordiskt perspektiv men ser inte den bristen som ett hinder för att använda böckerna när han lär ut sport management på Norges idrettshøgskole.
Communication & Sport, Vol. 10, 2022, No. 4
C&S is a cutting-edge peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport that engages a broad intellectual community. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Recontextualizing Barstool Sports and Misogyny in Online US Sports Media by Christopher J. Garcia and Jennifer M. Proffitt.
Sport in Society, Volume 25, 2022, Issue 6 | Sport, Dominance, Hegemonic Culture and Rebellion
Academics in various disciplines are writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: What’s at play? Power, transnational coaches and the global hegemony of performance within Danish elite swimming by Jørgen Bagger Kjær & Sine Agergaard.
Recalibrating experiences, perceptions and values of doped bodies
Building on empirical data from mixed methods studies, Jesper Andreasson’s and April Henning’s Performance Cultures and Doped Bodies: Challenging categories, gender norms, and policy responses (Common Ground) develops, in a sociologically informed analysis, new terminology to understand trajectories to and from doping. Alexis Sossa Rojas, with a keen ineterest in the fitness phenomenon, finds much in their book to commend, enjoy and be stimulated by.
Communication & Sport, Vol. 9, 2021, No. 6
C&S is a cutting-edge peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport that engages a broad intellectual community. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “Yay, Another Lady Starting a Log!”: Women’s Fitness Doping and the Gendered Space of an Online Doping Forum by April Henning and Jesper Andreasson (open access).
Performance Enhancement & Health, Vol. 9, 2021, Issue 3–4 | IPEDs and polydrug use
Performance Enhancement & Health (PEH) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that critically explores the health implications of pharmacological, genetic, psychological and other technological enhancements of the human being. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Effect of muscle dysmorphia on image-and-performance-enhancement drugs use intentions in a non-clinical sample: The role of social cognition by L. Skoufa, V. Barkoukis, L. Lazuras, H. Tsorbatzoudis.
Becoming and unbecoming a fitness doper
Fitness Doping: Trajectories, Gender, Bodies and Health by Jesper Andreasson & Thomas Johansson (Palgrave Macmillan) compiles several years of multi-faceted qualitative research on fitness doping to provide a fresh insight into how this phenomenon intersects with issues of gender, body and health. Our reviewer is Anders Schmidt Vinther, PhD student at Aarhus University and well versed in doping research. While he acknowleges original contributions to the field in the book, he also has several points of criticism.