The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 40, 2023, Issue 2–3 | ISHPES Congress 2021
The International Journal of the History of Sport is the world’s leading sport history academic periodical with fully-refereed global coverage of the subject. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Sport and Social Difference in Vienna around 1900: On the Historical Significance of Otto Herschmann by Rudolf Müllner (open access).
Call for Papers | “Individuals, Institutions, (Trans)nationalism. Sport and History facing new challenges” | ISHPES 2023 Conference, University of Lausanne, July 12–14, 2023. Call ends February 19, 2023
Offering an opportunity to all the international community of the sport historians to gather in Switzerland, the organization committee also want to address several epistemological issues, such as a “biographical turn”, a new interest for the institutions that are governing (inter)national sport or also beyond some new (trans)national way of analysing the sporting modernity, all of them being discussed within sport history communities all over the world.
Call for Applications | The ISHPES Ph.D Summer School 2021: “Doing, Writing, Thinking Sport History” | University of Lausanne, August 29 – September 2, 2021. Application deadline April...
This course aims to provide a unique environment for PhD students who seek to develop skills around sport history, and to improve their network in the field. Lectures given by leading experts will cover specific methodological aspects and new issues in the field of sport history. Participants will also have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research in specific sessions.
Call for Participation | Registration of ISHPES 2020 Online Congress is now open | August 22–23, 2020
The spread of COVID-19 has affected everyone’s overall daily and social life. Our duty in securing people’s health and safety became not only the issue for the congress organizer but also all over the world where international participants live. The original idea of ISHPES 2020 was to provide the opportunity to discuss ‘sport history and interdisciplinary relations’ in the year of the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.
Call for Papers | “Sport History and Interdisciplinary Relations in the Year of the Tokyo Games 2020” | 21st ISHPES Congress, August 20–23, Sapporo, Japan. Call ends March 15,...
For the ISHPES Congress Sapporo 2020 scholars are invited to submit proposals for sessions which include three papers and abstracts related to the main topic “Sport History and Interdisciplinary Relations in the Year of the Tokyo Games 2020” or individual abstracts on a subtopic. Each author can only submit one abstract. The oral presentations will each be 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
Call for Papers | “Milestones in the Histories of Sport and Physical Culture”. 2019 ISHPES Congress | Madrid Spain, July 14–17, 2019. Call ends February 15, 2019
Scholars are invited to submit sessions including three abstracts related to the main topic, or individual abstracts on a subtopic. Abstract submission is exclusively via email. A thematic session includes three papers relating to one topic.Presenters need to be an ISHPES member to present a paper, and a person can only present one paper as first author.
Call for Papers | “Sport for All – History of a Vision Around the World” | 19th ISHPES Congress, Münster, Germany, July 18–21, 2018. Call ends February 15, 2018
Scholars are invited to submit sessions including three abstracts related to the main topic, or individual abstracts focused upon one of a number subtopics such as ‘Sports, movement cultures, and health around the world’; ‘New approaches to Olympic history’; ‘Historical approaches to mega-events in sport’; and ’Gender diversity in various physical culture and sports’.
Call fo Applications | Summer School 2018: Enhancing Research on Physical Activity and Sport in Human and Social Science Perspective” | Department of Sports Sciences, University of Paris-Est, France,...
Organised during ten years at the university of Copenhagen, the International Summer School for young researchers takes place in Paris since 2016. For the third time, the university Paris-Est hosts students and teachers from all over the world for a summer school based on exchanges between scholars.
Call for Applications | Summer School 2017: Physical Activity and Sport – Current Discourses and Practices from a Human and Social Science Perspective
The Summer School provides a space to share information on research, theories and methods as well as to exchange ideas and knowledge about current tendencies and “hot issues” in the multiple arenas of physical activities and sports. The Summer School will provide a forum, which enables communication, networks and cooperation among the participants, students as well as lecturers.
Call for papers | Ski History Congress 2017 | March 1–4, Jyväskylä, Finland
The Finnish Society for Sports History, The Finnish Society of Sport Sciences, The Department of History and Ethnology and the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences invite researchers and scholars to discuss and analyze the international relations of skiing, its societal significance and impact on human physical and mental well-being.