Tag: International Sociology of Sport Association
Call for Papers | “Publics that matter: Sociology of sport in our local communities”, ISSA 2023 World Congress of Sociology of Sport | Ottawa, Canada, August 14–17, 2023
The theme of the 2023 Annual Congress for the ISSA takes this call to “engage [our] various publics” as its point of departure and extends this call to question how we define and then work with, within and through our “various publics” in our research, scholarship, and teaching. In particular, we invite scholars to share their insights on and experiences of engaging in research, scholarship and teaching with, within and through their local communities.
Call for Papers | “Why does sociology matter? The role of sport sociology in interdisciplinary research”. EASS & ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport | Tübingen, June...
Over the last years, important sport sociological work has been noticed in other disciplines such as sports medicine or physical education, and has subsequently changed the ways how researchers in these fields approach their research problems. However, in many interdisciplinary research projects on specific phenomena in sport and physical activity, the added value of sociological reflections is still not fully recognized, and, as a consequence, sport sociology is often not part of larger interdisciplinary research efforts.
Call for Papers | International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) Virtual World Congress | November 15–19 2021. Call ends August 31, 2021
The theme of this congress is driven by several questions relating to the local and global production of knowledge in the sociology of sport, namely (1) What impact does our work have on a process of scientific circulation on a world scale? (2) What are the characteristics in our production of knowledge? (3) What can a Latin American country offer? These questions pushes the idea of the title, "Local and Global Challenges for Social Studies Of Sport in the 21st Century", as a challenge and invitation.
Call for Participation | ISSA Zoom panel, October 8/9, 2020: The Consequences of Covid-19 for Women’s Sport
The aim of this virtual panel is to discuss the potential impacts of the coronavirus crisis on women's sport. When the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic, the majority of sports leagues around the world were cancelled, suspended or postponed. While men’s leagues and championships are now subsequently able to return, the situation appears to be proceeding more slowly for women.
Call for Papers | ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport 2019 | Dunedin, New Zealand, April 24–27 2019. Call ends December 15, 2018
The theme of this year’s conference theme, “Sociology of Sport and Alternative Futures” recognizes that our field is facing unprecedented challenges not only over funding and resources but also in terms of its legitimacy and relevance. The 2019 World Congress of Sociology of Sport provides an ideal platform to reflect, evaluate and contemplate the past, present, and future of the field.
Call for Papers | “Sports Organizations and Organizing Sports: Critical Reflections” | International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) Annual Conference, June 5–8, 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland. Call ends January 12,...
The aim of the main theme of this annual conference will be to address how the social sciences and sports organizations influence each other. This will be achieved by, on the one hand, considering how social science research is integrated into sports organizations, on the other hand, examining how sports organizations impact the social sciences.
Call for Papers | “Sports Organizations and Organizing Sports: Critical Reflections” | World Congress of Sociology of Sport, June 5–8, 2018, Lausanne. Call ends 2017-12-01
This conference will address how the social sciences and sports organizations influence each other. This will be achieved by exploring two main aspects of this relationship. On the one hand, we aim to consider how research is integrated into sports organizations, and on the other, we will examine how sports organizations impact the social sciences.
Call for Papers and Nominations from ISSA, International Sociology of Sport Association
This is a call for papers for the ISSA Graduate Paper Award 2017, when the ISSA congress heads to Taiwan, and for nominations for the honorary member award 2017. Honorary members receive free membership for life as well as free registration to ISSA conferences for life.
Call for Papers | 2017 ISSA World Congress, Taoyuan City, Taiwan, May 30 – June 2
Conference theme: Reimagining Democracies and Sport. Democracy and Sport has increasing importance for global sport society. The common understanding of democracy in sport as participation by members or citizens in the decision making of a sport organization or sport society still leaves considerable room for dispute.
The latest International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) eBulletin, 2015–4
Please download the latest ISSA eBulletin. Highlights in this issue:
2016 ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport in Budapest
Call for Papers
Call for 2016 Congress Mentors
ISSA World Congresses: 2018 and Beyond! An Invitation for Future ISSA Congress Hosts.
Honorary Member Award 2016
2016 Call for Nominations – Deadline November 30 2015
Graduate Student Paper Award 2016
2016 Call for Paper – Deadline November 30 2015
International Review...