Call for Contributions | “Contextualising Positive Organisational Behaviour: The Case of Sport Organisations” | Special issue of IJSMM
This special issue seeks to cast a fresh and state-of-the-art eye on how positive organizational behaviour (POB) shapes and influences the workplace within the sport organisational context. There is still much to learn about how and why POB and a variety of outcomes at work are interlinked, let alone when “there is extensive variability in the scope and size of sport organisations”.
Call for Papers | “Contextualising Positive Organisational Behaviour: The Case of Sport Organisations” | Special Issue of International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing
Conceptual, theoretical and empirical works drawing on and engaging with positive organisational behaviour are welcome for this issue. We hope that this issue will inspire and encourage scholars to expand their research horizons to investigate employees in flourishing sport organisations.