Tag: human rights
Call for Participation | Human Rights Impacts of the Olympic Games and the Necessity of Reform – CCSE Online Talks 3 | November 27, 2024, 2–3pm CET
This event, following the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, brings together actors working on local and global scale to consider the future of mega-events. In particular, the debate will focus on some of the challenges associated with contemporary mega-events and why change is necessary. We will then move into a discussion of radical solutions for how they should change in the future – including whether such events should continue to exist at all. Finally, we will discuss the role of civil society in pushing for this change and how we can all contribute to developing more sustainable mega-events.
Call for Papers | “(Re)claiming Leisure: Rights, Responsibilities, and Resistance” | Leisure Studies Association Conference 2024, University of the West of Scotland, July 10–12, 2024. Call ends March 1,...
The LSA 2024 Conference seeks to bring together inter and multidisciplinary perspectives on leisure, events, tourism and sport and, to explore their relationship to global challenges. Specifically, it aims to initiate discussion on the importance of Rights, Responsibilities, and Resistance as they play out in the transformation of society. The Scientific Committee now invites researchers, educators and practitioners, amongst others, to submit abstracts for papers, posters, workshops, panels and productions such as performances, short-films, and other artistic expressions.
Call for Participation | “Sport and human rights”, Summer course | FIFPRO, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, June 27–30, 2023
The programme brings together the latest in academic research with practical experiences from working in the field in an interactive package, fostering productive exchanges between the speakers and participants. Theoretical knowledge will be complemented by exposure to hands-on know-how and exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from experts from the Asser Institute, the Centre for Sport and Human Rights, and FIFPRO, as well as high-profile external speakers from both academia and practice.
Call for Participation | Sporting Chance Forum 2023: Are you ready for the future of responsible sport? | December 5–6 2023, Palais des Nations, Geneva
The Sporting Chance Forum (#SCF23) is finally back in-person. On 5 and 6 December, SCF23 will bring all actors in the sport ecosystem together at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to discuss the future of sport and human rights. SCF23 coincides with the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 5th anniversary of the Centre for Sport and Human Rights. We are happy to announce that SCF23 is officially part of the United Nations Human Rights 75, a year-long initiative to commemorate UDHR's anniversary.
Call for Participants | “FIFA and Human Rights – From Qatar 2022 to USA 2026” | Webinar hosted by the University of Connecticut, December 7, 2022
This UConn Beyond the Field conversation will focus on examining FIFA in the context of human rights, and particularly the time from Qatar 2022 to the United States 2026. The session will explore the challenges and opportunities for advancing a human rights agenda before, during and after a World Cup. We will address the role and responsibility of FIFA and its obligations to established international human rights. Speaker: Andrea Florence, Director, Sport & Rights Alliance.