Tag: equestrian studies
Call for Papers | On Horses – A Philosophy of Sports Anthology | Call ends March 31, 2023
A tribute is a celebration. And in this anthology, we seek to celebrate the beauty of the horse, its freedom, its strength, kindness, character and all the symbolic attributes and characteristics that we admire in its indomitable spirit. Celebrating the horse and the horse culture means trying to dialogue with all the worlds it inhabits, from the pastures where it still works, to sport, therapy, in a word, to think and research in all its multidimensionality.
Sport Scholar Profile | Klara Boije af Gennäs, Malmö University
Klara Boije af Gennäs is a doctoral student in sport science at Malmo University since September 2021. She is part of the doctoral school Learning in Multicultural Societal Contexts. She holds a BA in Sports Coaching and a MA from Gothenburg University. Klara’s research aims to increase the knowledge on sport related injuries in adolescents. She focuses on equestrian sport injuries using an interdisciplinary research approach combining sociology, sports medicine, and media and communication.
Call for Papers | On Horses – A Philosophy of Sports Conference | University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain, November 11–13, 2022. Call ends June 30, 2022
A tribute is a celebration. And in this conference, we seek to celebrate the beauty of the horse, its freedom, its strength, kindness, character and all the symbolic attributes and characteristics that we admire in its indomitable spirit. Celebrating the horse and the horse culture means trying to dialogue with all the worlds it inhabits, from the pastures where it still works, to sport, therapy, in a word, to think and research in all its multidimensionality
Call for Papers | Equine Cultures in Transition 2020 – Past, Present and Future Challenges | Uppsala and Strömsholm, Sweden, June 16–18, 2020. Call ends January 31, 2020
This conference brings together an international and interdisciplinary field of researchers. The unifying interest in the conference is scientific questions about the horse as well as the horse in society and the relation between humans and horses. In focus for the conference this year are questions regarding past, present and future challenges in relation to horse – human activities and interaction.
Call for Papers | Horse History Sessions at the International Medieval Congress | Leeds, UK, July 6–9, 2020. Call ends September 1, 2019
In our fifth instalment of horse sessions at the International Medieval Congress, we especially invite submissions in horse history responding to the special thematic strand of IMC 2020: borders. We also invite papers in horse history coming from all disciplinary approaches, including military studies, literature and art history, oriental studies, archaeology, osteology, history of veterinary medicine, and others.
Call for Papers | “Embodied Equines” | Equine History Conference, Cal Poly Pomona, CA. Call ends April 2019-04-19
Submissions may investigate any equine in the past, including donkeys, mules, zebras and onagers. The theme of the conference is “Embodied Equines,” inviting papers that explore both how people have understood, shaped, sustained, and used equine bodies, and tried to capture and understand equine experiences. Topics might include training, feeding, veterinary care, production, disposal, or behavior.
Call for Papers | Gender and Horses, Book Collection | Call ends March 30, 2019
This book collection seeks to contribute to the discussions on horse-human gender and gender performance. It will explore horse-human interactions (and intra-actions) from a theoretically knowledgeable viewpoint, while offering new perspectives on how human and animal gender was created, experienced and performed.
Medverka i denna viktiga studie om sociala medier och hästars välfärd!
Under senare år har frågor om hästens välfärd debatterats på sociala medier. Det kan handla om nosgrimmor, vilket bett som ska användas eller hästars sjukdomar. Många av oss söker information på internet, men hur gör vi? Hur påverkar det vår egen och hästens vardag? Den här studiens syfte är att forma en bättre miljö för häst och människa.
Häst och människa – forskning och samverkan | Norges idrettshøgskole, den 12 april 2018 | Anmälan senast den 6 april 2018
Under dagen presenteras pågående forskning om relationen mellan människa och häst ur humanistiska och samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. I möten mellan ridsportens organisationer, forskningsfinansiärer och forskare diskuteras möjligheter att söka medel för framtida forsknings-, utvecklings- och samverkansprojekt.
Call for Papers | “Human-horse relationships in work and play: Interspecies encounters in business, tourism and beyond” | The second biannual Equine Cultures in Transition conference, Leeds Beckett University,...
The conference will be organised around four streams which will consider various ways in which humans and horses work and play together: (1) Equestrian tourism, events and leisure; (2) Business, organisations and equestrian work; (3) Ethics and methods in researching human-horse interactions; and (4) Open stream.