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    Svensk idrottsforskning fyller 50!

    Sedan historikern Jan Lindroth disputerade med sin avhandling om idrotten som folkrörelse 1974 har det gått ett halvt sekel, och således firar svensk idrottsforskning sitt femtioårsjubileum 2024. Under perioden har idrottsvetenskap vuxit fram som ett nytt utbildnings-, forsknings- och forskarutbildningsämne. Idag finns det idrottsvetenskapliga institutioner eller motsvarande vid tio lärosäten, och fem av dem har forskarutbildning. Forskningsämnena, som från början var pedagogik, historia och psykologi, omfattar idag över trettio olika ämnesdiscipliner.

    Recommended reading, for teachers and students alike – and for stakeholders

    Stakeholder Analysis and Sport Organisations, edited by Anna-Maria Strittmatter, Josef Fahlén & Barrie Houlihan (Routledge), provides a critical examination of the origins and development of stakeholder theory within sport management research. Thomas Persson’s review focuses on three of the contributions, and his overall assessment, based on the whole anthology, is that this is a book well worth reading that also is suitable as a course book.

    Good governance, a mission not completed

    The contributions in Good Governance in Sport: Critical Reflections, edited by Arnout Geeraert & Frank von Eekeren (Routledge) explore the different practical strategies that have been employed to achieve the implementation of good governance principles. In his review, H. Thomas R. Persson points out the link between the book and Play the Game, the Danish initiative promoting democracy, transparency, and freedom of expression in world sport, and concludes that the book is a welcome contribution to the good governance debate.

    En svensk ”Sport Management-kanon”

    SISU Förlags ambitiösa trebandsutgåva Sport Management 1–3, under redaktion av Åsa Bäckström, Karin Book, Bo Carlsson och PG Fahlström, får genomgående positiva omdömen av idrottsforum.orgs recensenter, Søren Bennike som recenserade del 1 i oktober 2019, och Julius Z. Strömberg i föreliggande recension av delarna 2 och 3. Strömberg efterlyser visserligen ett nordiskt perspektiv men ser inte den bristen som ett hinder för att använda böckerna när han lär ut sport management på Norges idrettshøgskole.

    Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, Volume 7, 2017, Issue 4

    Sport, Business and Management serves to promote the development of a coherent, high-quality body of work in sport, business and management, an area that has until now been largely overlooked by academia despite being one of the few industries to warrant its own daily section in most newspapers.

    Interesting examples of good practice in sport governance – but…

    In Sport Governance: International Case Studies, a number of sport researchers contribute to the pursuit of best sport governance practice. Pity then, says our reviewer Hallgeir Gammelsæter, that the editors Ian O'Boyle and Trish Bradbury fail to make use of the contributors’ findings.

    Mångsidigt perspektiv på sport management-fältet

    Årsboken från Forum for Idræt, Historie og Samfund 2014 har temat ”Sport Management”. I sex artiklar diskuteras olika aspekter av sport management, och forumets recensent Simon Junström redovisar innehållet i texterna på ett kunnigt och intresseväckande sätt.

    Forskarprofil | Thomas Persson, Malmö universitet

    Thomas Persson is dividing his time between research on social responsibility and teaching on Human Resource Management and Development. His research on social responsibility goes back to his PhD thesis on Swedish Integration Policy Documents and has evolved over the years to include Good Governance, CSR and Social Capital to more recent studies on social entrepreneurship and innovation.
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