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    Tag: Guy Osborn

    A significant attempt to unpack the paradoxes and tensions of Olympic laws

    Mark James and Guy Osborn’s Olympic Laws: Culture, Values, Tensions (Routledge) is the first book to analyse fully the Olympic legal framework and its application to the IOC and the Olympic Games through a socio-legal lens. According to our reviewer Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen, their analysis drives forward debates in the social and political scientific study of sport, and will figure as an important resource for researchers and students within all these areas in the years to come.

    A comprehensive volume, unique in the field of Olympic and Paralympic studies

    Routledge Handbook of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, edited by Dikaia Chatziefstathiou, Borja García & Benoit Séguin (Routledge) presents new research and broad surveys exploring pressing debates, challenges and possible solutions surrounding the modern Olympic and Paralympic Games, across diverse socioeconomic and political contexts. Our reviewer Björn Sandahl contends that the handbook serves as a rich introduction to its field of study and thus should be of great interest to students and the interested general public.

    From ‘political neutrality’ in sports to athletes’ freedom of expression

    In Political Expression in Sport: Transnational Challenges, Moral Defences (Routledge), Cem Abanazir looks at how private institutions governing and organising sport restrict political expression. Uniquely, it makes a case for the freedom of expression for athletes, spectators and audiences built upon philosophical foundations. Guy Osborn is our reviewer, and he appreciates this well-researched and authoritative book that’s tapping into an issue of significant contemporary importance. A useful addition to the literature.

    Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, Volume 18, 2020

    ESLJ is a refereed and open access online journal. It is located within a dynamic and rapidly expanding area of legal theory and legal practice. Whilst focussed within legal study, the areas it encompasses are necessarily interdisciplinary. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS IN THE INTERNATIONAL TENNIS FEDERATION’S DISCIPLINARY REGIME by Ben Livings, Karolina Wlodarczak.

    Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, Volume 17, 2019

    ESLJ is a refereed and open access online journal. It is located within a dynamic and rapidly expanding area of legal theory and legal practice. Whilst focussed within legal study, the areas it encompasses are necessarily interdisciplinary. Editor’s pick from the current issue: KEN FOSTER AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF UK SPORTS LAW: A REFLECTIVE INTERVIEW by Steve Greenfield, Mark James, Guy Osborn

    Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Volume 1, 2010

    SSSF, a multidisciplinary social sciences sport study journal, welcomes articles that deal with sport and social change and social stability in a wide sense, articles about the profound and comprehensive processes affecting sports such as professionalization, globalization, commercialization, urbanization, technologization, medicalization and juridification.

    The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 33, 2016, Issue 15

    The International Journal of the History of Sport is the world’s leading sport history academic periodical with fully-refereed global coverage of the subject. As well as regular issues, the IJHS also offers regionally-focused issues on the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East, and special issues each year on significant topics and themes.

    Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, Volume 15, 2017

    ESLJ is a refereed and open access online journal. It is located within a dynamic and rapidly expanding area of legal theory and legal practice. Whilst focussed within legal study, the areas it encompasses are necessarily interdisciplinary. Areas that are of interest to the Journal include the ways in which the law and regulatory frameworks operate in the following industries: music, sport, film, theatre and literature, art, gaming, the night time economy and the Internet and social media.

    Brittisk idrottsjuridik – några aktuella titlar

    Bo Carlsson Regulating Football: Commodification, Consumption and the Law (2001) Steve Greenfield and Guy Osborn Pluto Press. ISBN: 0-7453-1026-5 Under senare år har den europeiska fotbollen genomgått stora förändringar. Regulating Football går bakom rubrikerna för att studera den tilltagande kommersialiseringen av fotbollen (fotboll som marknad och varumärke) Genom att undersöka hur fotbollen kommit att regleras, vill författarna ställa frågan om kommersialiseringen har förfört klubbarna och rent...
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