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    Sociology of Sport Journal, Volume 38, 2021, Issue 2

    SSJ publishes original research, framed by social theory, on exercise, sport, physical culture, and the (physically active) body. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical, theoretical, and position papers; book reviews; and critical essays. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Privileging Difference: Negotiating Gender Essentialism in U.S. Women’s Professional Soccer by Rachel Allison.

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 53, 2018, No. 6

    The International Review for the Sociology of Sport is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, from standard length research papers to shorter reports and commentary, as well as book and media reviews. 

    An important scholarly contribution to a contemporary, socio-cultural practice that’s otherwise left to the natural sciences

    Endurance, or long-distance, running means at least 5k, and usually much longer. Øyvind F. Standal has read a new edited volume about this phenomenon, Endurance Running: A socio-cultural examination by William Bridel, Pirkko Markula & Jim Denison (Routledge) that sheds light on this physically and mentally demanding sport.
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