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    European Journal for Sport and Society, Vol. 21, 2024, Issue 4

    EJSS’ function is to enable an international discussion about current issues and to foster collaboration between researchers from all social scientific sub-disciplines. It’s published 4 times per year. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Why the long face? Experiences and observations of bullying behaviour at equestrian centres in Great Britain by N. Watson, N.J Thompson & J. Jooste (open access).

    Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Volume 42, 2023, Issue 2

    The purpose of JTPE is to communicate national and international research and stimulate discussion, study, and critique of teaching, teacher education, and curriculum as these fields relate to physical activity in schools and sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: A Retrospective Study on Students’ Perceived Experiences in Physical Education: Exploring Beliefs, Emotions, and Physical Activity Outcomes by Kelly L. Simonton, Nicholas Washburn, Laura F. Prior, Victoria N. Shiver, Sean Fullerton, Karen L. Gaudreault.

    Sport Social Work Journal, Volume 2, 2022, No. 1

    Sport Social Work Journal is published by Ball State University, open access, and advocates for the advancement of social justice and change through research that occurs at the intersection of social work (and related professions) and sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘Sports, the Great Equalizer: Influencing Future Sports Professionals View of Disabilities by Tracy Trachsler, Mary Handley.

    Sports Coaching Review, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 2

    Sports Coaching Review is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of articles related to sports coaching. It aspires to be a major focal point for the publication of sports coaching research throughout the world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The coach as gatekeeper, distributor of resources and partner for sports talents by Lotte S. Skrubbeltrang, Jesper S. Olesen & Jens Christian Nielsen.

    Quest, Volume 74, 2022, Issue 3

    Quest is the official journal of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). It is the leading journal for interdisciplinary scholarship for professionals in kinesiology in higher education. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: What Kinesiology Research is Most Visible to the Academic World? by Duane Knudson.

    International Sport Coaching Journal, Volume 9, 2022, Issue 3

    International Sport Coaching Journal is a venture of the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE). Its mission is to advance the profession of coaching. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Tensions in Shared Leadership in Elite Women’s Cricket: Implications for Coaching by Max H. Andrews, Steven B. Rynne, Clifford J. Mallett

    Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Volume 93, 2022, Issue 5

    JOPERD is a peer-reviewed, four-color, professional journal. JOPERD serves as an authoritative, professional source for educators in physical education, sport, recreation, and dance in all settings. The Forum Editor’s choice from the current issue: SWITCH-ing Quality Physical Education to Multicomponent Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs by Darla M. Castelli, Greg Welk, Timothy A. Brusseau & Jaimie McMullen.

    The Sport Psychologist, Volume 36, 2022, Issue 2

    TSP is a scholarly refereed journal designed as a forum to stimulate thought and disseminate knowledge that focuses on the application and practice of sport psychology. The Forum Editor’s choice from the current issue: Fostering Psychosocial Characteristics Within an English Soccer Academy by Tom O. Mitchell, Ian H.J. Cowburn, David Piggott, Martin A. Littlewood, Tony Cook, Kevin Till.

    Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, Volume 34, 2021, Issue 6

    Strategies is a peer-reviewed professional journal that publishes practical, how-to articles for sport and physical education professionals at all levels. The journal provides information to help educators and coaches become more effective in their work. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Improving Your Aim: Effective Goal-Setting Practices for Team Sport Coaches by Emily North, Jason R. Gonzales & Amber M. Shipherd.

    Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Volume 92, 2021, Issue 6

    JOPERD is a peer-reviewed, four-color, professional journal. JOPERD serves as an authoritative, professional source for educators in physical education, sport, recreation, and dance in all settings. The Forum Editor’s choice from the current issue: National Biomechanics Day: A Novel and Collaborative Recruitment Tool by Christopher B. Merica, Youngmin Chun, Joshua Bailey & Cate A. Egan.
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