Tag: Enrico Michelini
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 59, 2024, No. 1
IRSS is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, as well as book and media reviews. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Enclaved non-heteronormativity and pragmatic acceptance. The experiences of Polish female football players by Natalia Organista and Radosław Kossakowski.
Communication & Sport, Vol. 11, 2023, No. 6
C&S is a cutting-edge peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport that engages a broad intellectual community. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Beyond Crisis? Institutionalized Mediatization of the Refugee Olympic Team at the 2020 Olympic Games by Daniel Burdsey, Enrico Michelini, and Sine Agergaard (open access).
Soccer & Society, Volume 24, 2023, Issue 5
Soccer, a.k.a (association) football is the most popular mass spectator sport in the world. Soccer & Society is the first international journal devoted to the game of soccer, and aims to focus on the game in the context of a more global world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘A little less conversation’: an exploration of soccer fan attitudes towards ‘the knee’ protest and the anti-racism message by Kevin Dixon, Ellis Cashmore & Jamie Cleland.
European Journal for Sport and Society, Vol. 19, 2022, Issue 1
EJSS’ function is to enable an international discussion about current issues and to foster collaboration between researchers from all social scientific sub-disciplines. It’s published 4 times per year. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Rio 2016 Paralympic Games: inspiration as a possible legacy for disabled Brazilians by Doralice Lange Souza & Ian Brittain.
European Journal for Sport and Society, Vol. 18, 2021, Issue 3 | Sport, Race and Ethnicity at a time of multiple global crises
EJSS’ function is to enable an international discussion about current issues and to foster collaboration between researchers from all social scientific sub-disciplines. It’s published 4 times per year. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The representation of the ‘refugee crisis’ and ‘sport’ in the German Press: an analysis of newspaper discourse by Enrico Michelini.
Sport in Society, Volume 24, 2021, Issue 4
Academics in various disciplines are writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘I don’t know if America would have picked me:’ athletic, national, and racial identities of the U.S. Men’s Kabaddi Team by Sam Winemiller
European Journal for Sport and Society, Vol. 17, 2020, Issue 4
EJSS’ function is to enable an international discussion about current issues and to foster collaboration between researchers from all social scientific sub-disciplines. It’s published 4 times per year. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “BEING OR BECOMING PHYSICALLY ACTIVE”: UNPACKING CONCEPTIONS ABOUT OBJECTIVES AND METHODS IN PARTNERSHIP-BASED ALTERNATIVE SPORTS ACTIVITIES by Johan Högman, Christian Augustsson & Pernilla Hedström.
European Journal for Sport and Society, Vol. 15, 2018, Issue 1
The European Journal for Sport and Society is the official journal of the European Association for Sociology of Sport, EASS. Its function is to enable an international discussion about current issues and to foster collaboration between researchers from all social scientific sub-disciplines. It’s published 4 times per year.