Tag: Eiji Ito
Journal of Sport & Tourism, Volume 27, 2023, Issue 3
JS&T aims to publish research that makes a clear contribution, substantively, theoretically or methodologically, to the body of knowledge relating to all aspects of the relationship between sport and tourism. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Kiteboarding: a practice approach by Timo Derriks, Karin Peters & van der Duim Rene.
International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, Vol. 6, 2023, Issue 1 | Leisure and the University: International Perspectives
This journal publishes high-quality papers on the sociology of leisure that have a global interest, promote the development of this mature field within international sociology, and go beyond the traditional geographical areas of leisure studies. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Organized Lifestyle Sports in Southern California: Social Facts, Collective Consciousness, and Solidarity Among University Surfers by Jérémy Lemarié.
Leisure Sciences, Volume 44, 2022, Issue 1
Leisure Sciences presents scientific inquiries into the study of leisure, recreation, parks, travel, and tourism from a social science perspective. Articles cover the social and psychological aspects of leisure, and more. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Impacts of Recreation Programs on the Mental Health of Postsecondary Students in North America: An Integrative Review by enton Litwiller, Catherine White, Barbara Hamilton-Hinch & Robert Gilbert.
Annals of Leisure Research, Volume 24, 2021, Issue 2
Annals of Leisure Research is aimed at an international readership and seeks theoretical or applied articles which cover any topic within the broad area of leisure studies. Click below for full ToC with links to abstracts. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Relationships of involvement and interdependent happiness between domestic and international Japanese masters games tourists by Eiji Ito & Kei Hikoji.
Journal of Sport & Tourism, Volume 24, 2020, Issue 4
The Journal of Sport & Tourism (JS&T) aims to publish research that makes a clear contribution, substantively, theoretically or methodologically, to the body of knowledge relating to all aspects of the relationship between sport and tourism. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: UNDERSTANDING MUAY THAI CAMP TOURIST MOTIVATIONS IN BANGKOK, THAILAND by Gulapish Pookaiyaudom.
Leisure Sciences, Volume 42, 2020, Issue 5–6
Leisure Sciences presents scientific inquiries into the study of leisure, recreation, parks, travel, and tourism from a social science perspective. Articles cover the social and psychological aspects of leisure, and more. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: GOOD RUNNING?: THE RISE OF FITNESS PHILANTHROPY AND SPORTS-BASED CHARITY EVENTS by Catherine Palmer & Zack Dwyer.
International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure Vol. 1, 2018, Issue 3
IJSL publishes high-quality papers on the sociology of leisure, that have a global interest, promote the development of this mature field within international sociology, and go beyond the traditional geographical areas of leisure studies. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “HEY DAD, I JUST WANNA SAY HELLO”: DIGITAL LEISURE AMONG NONRESIDENT FATHERS by Iryna Sharaievska, Camilla J. Hodge.
Journal of Sport & Tourism, Volume 23, 2019, Issue 2–3
The Journal of Sport & Tourism (JS&T) aims to publish research that makes a clear contribution, substantively, theoretically or methodologically, to the body of knowledge relating to all aspects of the relationship between sport and tourism. Editor’s pick from the current issue: IMAGE DIMENSIONS OF TWO SCANDINAVIAN ENDURANCE WINTER SPORT EVENTS by Kristine Blekastad Sagheim & Øystein Aas. OPEN ACCESS.
Leisure Studies, Volume 39, 2020, Issue 1 | Leisure and Wellbeing
Leisure Studies is the journal of the Leisure Studies Association. The emphasis of the journal is on theoretically informed critical analyses within the social sciences and humanities of the wide range of topics that constitute leisure as a subject field – including the arts, tourism, cultural, informal and virtual activities, urban and rural recreation, sport, media and physical activities.
Leisure Sciences, Volume 41, 2019, Issue 4
Leisure Sciences presents scientific inquiries into the study of leisure, recreation, parks, travel, and tourism from a social science perspective. Articles cover the social and psychological aspects of leisure, planning for leisure environments, leisure gerontology, travel and tourism behavior, leisure economics, and urban leisure delivery systems.