Tag: Dino Numerato
Sociology of Sport Journal, Volume 39, 2022, Issue 1
SSJ publishes original research, framed by social theory, on exercise, sport, physical culture, and the (physically active) body. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical, theoretical, and position papers; book reviews; and critical essays. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: We’ve Come a Long Way, But We Could Be Doing Better: Gendered Commentary in U.S. Media Coverage of the 1999 and 2019 Women’s World Cup by Eileen Díaz McConnell, Neal Christopherson, Michelle Janning.
The sport of tennis – constantly in the frontline of sport history
Five hundred pages, forty-five chapters, forty-nine authors – the Routledge Handbook of Tennis: History, Culture and Politics is a veritable treasure trove for academic tennis aficionados. Edited by renowned tennis historian Robert J. Lake, the volume elicited numerous unsolicited enthusiastic exclamations of appreciation and joy from our reviewer, renowned historian of Swedish tennis Johnny Wijk. Actually, his only complaint was the glaring paucity of Swedish tennis.
Från ståplatssupportrar till fåtöljfans
I Borja Garcias och Jinming Zhengs antologi Football and Supporter Activism in Europe: Whose Game Is It? (Palgrave Macmillan) diskuteras i ett dussintal bidrag elitherrfotbollens distansering från sin supporterbas som en följd av globalisering och kommersialisering. Ur de åt lite olika håll spretande bidragen utläser Daniel Alsarve en genomgående tes: Herrfotbollen bör vara rädda om sina supportrar.
Interesting examples of good practice in sport governance – but…
In Sport Governance: International Case Studies, a number of sport researchers contribute to the pursuit of best sport governance practice. Pity then, says our reviewer Hallgeir Gammelsæter, that the editors Ian O'Boyle and Trish Bradbury fail to make use of the contributors’ findings.