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    Call for Papers | “In the Echoes of Reckonings”: Hockey Conference 2025 | Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, June 17–19, 2025. Call ends November 15, 2024

    Hockey continues to experience reckonings. While some incidents have garnered more media attention than others, questions about hockey’s deeper purpose abound: How might we, individually and collectively, reckon with a history of hockey that has contributed to acts of misogyny, violence, racism, homophobia, classism, and ableism? How might we reckon with realizing our entanglements and vulnerabilities in the context of hockey culture? In what ways are we implicated in narratives of hockey culture?

    Call for Abstracts | The Hockey Conference X: Hockey in a Changing World | Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, June 5–7, 2020. Call ends March 13, 2020

    This is the tenth anniversary of The Hockey Conference, which was founded by Dr. Colin Howell at Saint Mary’s. The 2020 Conference will occur in a meaningful place and at a meaningful time. Events occurring in Halifax around that time include the Women’s World Hockey Championships, the North American Indigenous Games, and the opening of the new ice rink on campus, the Dauphinee Centre.

    Call for Participation | “From Talent Development to Injured Athletes in Danish Hockey – Past, Present, Future” | Conference, 11th May 2018, Aalborg University Sydhavn, Copenhagen. Call ends April...

    Internationally, Denmark represents an outstanding example of talent development in ice hockey, with the last two decades launching Denmark into international awareness. This conference aims to provide participants with a view into sports psychology, sports sociology, biomechanics and sports medicine. Professionals from all over the world are expected to participate.

    Call for Papers | The Multiplicity of Hockey II: Delivering new understandings of the game | The Hockey Conference, July 5–7, 2018, University of Alberta, Edmonton. Call ends December...

    The conference committee invites abstract submissions from scholars in various fields whose work engages with  the sport of hockey, in all its diverse forms, in a multitude of ways. These can include, but are not limited to, historical, empirical, conceptual, and artistic approaches to the sport.

    Call for Papers | Putting It On Ice V: The Multiplicity of Hockey | University of New Brunswick, Fredericton NB, Canada, July 6-8, 2016

    The Hockey Conference invites abstract submissions from scholars and artists in various fields, whose work engages with the sport of hockey (in its diverse forms) in a multitude of ways, including (but not limited to) artistically, historically, empirically, and conceptually.
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