Tag: Berit Skirstad
European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 24, 2024, Issue 6
ESMQ publishes articles that contribute to our understanding of sport organizations. The Journal sets out to enhance our understanding of the role of sport management and sport bodies in social life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The effects of overseas exhibition games on consumer interest: the case of the English Premier League by Georgios Nalbantis & Tim Pawlowski.
Mega-handbook on mega-events: The whole is bigger than the sum of its parts
The Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events, edited by Harry Arne Solberg, Rasmus K. Storm and Kamilla Swart (Edward Elgar) examines the hosting of major sporting events and the impacts they can have on stakeholders. Christian Tolstrup Jensen has read an impressive compilation of scientific studies in the field of major sport event research that gives the initiated reader a useful and nuanced overview of the state-of-the-art in event studies, its understudied areas and a who-is-who in the field.
Sport Management Education Journal, Volume 14, 2020, Issue 2 | Global Perspectives in Sport Management Education
SMEJ promotes advancement of the body of knowledge in pedagogy as it relates to sport management education and disseminates knowledge about sport management courses, curricula, and teaching. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING FROM A CLASSROOM DESK: EXPLORING STUDENT PERCEPTIONS OF APPLIED COURSEWORK by Jaime R. DeLuca, Emily Fornatora.
Well-structured handbook on sport event management with a practice perspective
Milena Parent and Jean-Loup Chappelet have collected 21 contributions for the Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management, by altogether 36 scholars in the field. Our reviewer is Christian Tolstrup Jensen, and while he offers som suggestions that he feels would improve the quality of the handbook, he is nevertheless quite happy with the collection as it is.
Antologi som problematiserar maskulinitet och femininitet inom idrott och fritid
Suzanne Lundvall recenserar Kjønnsmakt i idrett og friluftsliv, en antologi med bidrag från en hyllningskonferensen till Gerd von der Lippe som fyllde 70 år 2012. Redaktörer är festföremålet själv med Hans Hognestad, och vår recensent är mycket nöjd.
Idrott och filosofi
Hans-Eric Olson
Fil dr, statsvetare
FÅ SAMHÄLLSOMRÅDEN TORDE VARA SÅ impregnerade av ideologier som idrotten, såväl internationellt som nationellt i Sverige. Därför borde idrotten vara ett lysande område för filosofer, idékritiker och etikforskare att analysera.
Därför är det egendomligt att det var först 1998 som den första forskarkonferensen i idrottsfilosofi organiserades i Sverige. Det blir förståeligt när vi betänker att ingen i Sverige...