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    Tag: Artemisia Apostolopoulou

    European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 23, 2023, Issue 4

    ESMQ publishes articles that contribute to our understanding of sport organizations. The Journal sets out to enhance our understanding of the role of sport management and sport bodies in social life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: National sport organization governance design archetypes for the twenty-first century by Milena M. Parent, Russell Hoye, Marijke Taks, Ashley Thompson, Michael L. Naraine, Erik L. Lachance & Benoit Séguin (open access).

    International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, Vol 22, 2021, No 3

    IJSMS is the world’s leading journal for the sports marketing industry, and provides a vital resource to both academic and industry experts. For academics it is an opportunity to publish the highest quality, peer-reviewed research. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Product meanings as drivers of sport consumer behavior: evidence from the Greek sport industry by Dimitra Papadimitriou, Artemisia Apostolopoulou, Scott Branvold, Dimitrios Gargalianos.

    Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, Volume 8, 2018, Issue 5

    Sport, Business and Management serves to promote the development of a coherent, high-quality body of work in sport, business and management, an area that has until now been largely overlooked by academia despite being one of the few industries to warrant its own daily section in most newspapers.
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