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    Call for Papers | ‘The History of Sport in the Arab world’, a Special Issue of The International Journal of the History of Sport | Call ends February 28,...

    As Ottoman influence began to wane across the Arab world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the resultant vacuum was filled by European powers intent on increasing their colonial empires. Sport played a significant role in this expansion, asserting European superiority while simultaneously inculcating within the native inhabitants what were deemed properly civilised behaviours. We welcome submissions from historians, sports scholars, and other researchers of individual articles that discuss, examine, or review the historical presence, place, and function of sport in Arab society.

    Call for Book Chapters | A Critical Muslim Study of Arab and Middle Eastern Sport, for the Emerald Book Series Research in the Sociology of Sport | Call ends...

    Our objective is to bring together a diverse community of scholars, both established and emerging, who represent and write about sport and/or physical cultures in the Arab World and Middle East about communities from these regions who are living in diaspora in the West. We are interested in chapter submissions that utilize intersectional, postcolonial, and/or decolonial epistemologies.

    Call for Papers | Workshop: “Sports in the Middle East: The politics of inclusion and exclusion” | American University of Beirut, August 30–31, 2019. Call ends January 18, 2019

    We are inviting contributions from a variety of disciplines, such as political science, history, sociology, economics, business and law. Scholars who have developed a research agenda on sport, as well as researchers who have not yet worked on sports but want to apply their field of study to the world of sports, are welcome to submit an outline of their papers.

    Call for Papers | “The Rise of International Sport on the Arab Peninsula: Politics, Art, Ethics” | 9th Gulf Research Meeting, University of Cambridge, UK, July 31-August 3, 2018....

    The accelerated rate of modernization on the Peninsula allows little room for error, and the vast wealth being invested in the infrastructure for art and sport on the Peninsula is sobering. The workshop will bring a critical perspective to the rise of regional and international sport on the Peninsula, as well as open lines of inquiry on this development among scholars from across the disciplines.

    Ny webbresurs om idrott i arabvärlden

    Från Mahfoud Amara kommer följande notis:   On behalf of I3SAW' staff, we have the pleasure to announce the launch of the first Society of Sport Sciences in the Arab World (I3SAW). More information about the objectives, missions and thematic research please visit the following link: or I3SAW is composed by scientists and specialists of sport (Academics, teachers, managers, civil servants, journalists, referees, etc); their unique objective...
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