Tag: Anna Qvarfordt
En svensk ”Sport Management-kanon”
SISU Förlags ambitiösa trebandsutgåva Sport Management 1–3, under redaktion av Åsa Bäckström, Karin Book, Bo Carlsson och PG Fahlström, får genomgående positiva omdömen av idrottsforum.orgs recensenter, Søren Bennike som recenserade del 1 i oktober 2019, och Julius Z. Strömberg i föreliggande recension av delarna 2 och 3. Strömberg efterlyser visserligen ett nordiskt perspektiv men ser inte den bristen som ett hinder för att använda böckerna när han lär ut sport management på Norges idrettshøgskole.
Performance Enhancement & Health, Vol. 9, 2021, Issue 2
Performance Enhancement & Health (PEH) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that critically explores the health implications of pharmacological, genetic, psychological and other technological enhancements of the human being. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Anti-doping knowledge and educational needs of Finnish pharmacists by Mikko Lemettilä, Elli Leppä, Marika Pohjanoksa-Mäntylä, Anna Simula, Jukka Koskelo.
Initiated sports law review of the WADA Code and its advancement by the elite
The contested issue of performance enhancement and anti-doping has given rise to a number of scholarly articles and books, one of the latest of which is The World Anti-Doping Code: Fit for Purpose? by Lovely Dasgupta (Routledge), in which the author argues that the WADA regulations have an elitist orientation. Our reviewer Anna Qvarfordt finds that, existing literature on the subject notwithstanding, Dasgupta broadens our knowledge of the effects of WADC.
Sport Scholar Profile | Anna Qvarfordt, University of Gävle
Anna Qvarfordt is a senior lecturer in Sports Science at the University of Gävle. She has a PhD in Sport Science and in her dissertation she analyses the legitimacy of global anti-doping policy from the perspective of elite athletes. Anna is also involved in research on fitness doping where young people's perceptions of body image, health, exercise and doping means are studied.
Performance Enhancement & Health, Vol. 7, 2019, Issue 1–2
Performance enhancement may be linked to productivity, identity, social capital or pleasure, while health is envisaged broadly as absence of disease, optimal functioning, and well-being. Performance Enhancement & Health (PEH) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that critically explores the health implications of pharmacological, genetic, psychological and other technological enhancements of the human being.
New study shows strong support from elite athletes for anti-doping, but less so for intrusive control measures
Anna Qvarfordt’s doctoral thesis Anti-doping – a legitimate effort? Elite athletes’ perspectives on policy and practice is, some shortcomings notwithstanding, a well-conceived and original study of high quality, probing the global anti-doping system in sports, according to our reviewer, Sigmund Loland, who was the external examiner at her dissertation defence.
Public defence of doctoral thesis | Anti-doping – a legitimate effort? Elite athletes’ perspectives on policy and practice | Anna Qvarfordt, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences and...
There is limited knowledge about the implications of the extensive anti-doping control system for athletes, and about how athletes perceive the system; little is known about possible consequences of these implications and perceptions for the legitimacy of the system. The overall aim of this thesis is to analyse the legitimacy of global anti-doping policy and practice from the perspectives of international elite athletes.
A forensic approach to anti-doping
In their recent book Detecting Doping in Sport (Routledge), Stephen Moston and Terry Engelberg are critical of the current anti-doping regime, and argue for the introduction of more stringent methods in the fight against doping. In her review, Anna Qvarfordt considers their arguments and the pros and cons of their recommendations, but remains, on consideration, sceptical.