Tag: academic performance
Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan GIH får 4,7 miljoner kronor till forskning om fysisk aktivitet och psykisk hälsa hos skolungdomar
GIH får 4,7 miljoner kronor av Familjen Kamprads stiftelse till ett forskningsprojekt om fysisk aktivitet och psykisk hälsa hos skolungdomar. Projektet ska bidra till att utvärdera om förlängda skoldagar med läxhjälp och fysiska aktiviteter förbättrar psykisk hälsa, kognition, skolprestation och minskar ojämlikhet i hälsa hos ungdomar. Bakgrunden till satsningen är att svenska ungdomar rör på sig för lite och sitter still för mycket. Samtidigt drabbas allt fler ungdomar av psykisk ohälsa.
Public defence of doctoral thesis | Physical activity, physical fitness and academic performance among adolescents: Intervention effects from the School in Motion study – a cluster randomized controlled trial...
Emerging evidence suggests a favourable relationship between physical activity, aerobic fitness and academic performance. Recent data shows that physical activity levels decrease through adolescence. Accordingly, there is a need to develop interventions that can effectively change behaviour, leading to increased physical activity, physical fitness and academic performance among adolescents.
Public defence of doctoral thesis | Physical activity, mental health and academic achievement in adolescents | Ingeborg Barth Vedøy, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, December 1, 2021
In Ingeborg Barth Vedøy’s dissertation, she presents results from a long term study in which she followed 600 adolescents annually throughout their three years of lower secondary school, exploring their physical activity level, mental health and academic achievements. Surprisingly, the overall results show no associations between physical activity and academic achievement among the participants.