Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Vol. 8, 2016, No. 6



Rio 2016
Edward M. Wojtys

Focus Topic: Military Sports Medicine

Superior Labral Anterior-Posterior (SLAP) Tears in the Military: A Clinical Review of Incidence, Diagnosis, and Treatment Compared With the Civilian Population
William Rossy, George Sanchez, Anthony Sanchez, and CAPT Matthew T. Provencher

Underreporting of Musculoskeletal Injuries in the US Army: Findings From an Infantry Brigade Combat Team Survey Study
CPT Laurel Smith, MAJ Richard Westrick, Specialist Sarah Sauers, CPT Adam Cooper, Dennis Scofield, Pedro Claro, and MAJ Bradley Warr

Anterior Shoulder Instability in the Military Athlete
Brian Waterman, Brett D. Owens, and John M. Tokish

Posterior Shoulder Instability: Current Surgical Management
Ivan J. Antosh, John M. Tokish, and Brett D. Owens

Current Research

Evaluation and Management of Athletes With Long QT Syndrome: An Evolved Paradigm
Andrew T. Gomez, Jordan M. Prutkin, and Ashwin L. Rao

Volume-based Interval Training Program for Elite Tennis Players
Natalie L. Myers, Aaron D. Sciascia, W. Ben Kibler, and Tim L. Uhl

Shoulder Injuries in Individuals Who Participate in CrossFit Training
Ryan J. Summitt, Ryan A. Cotton, Adam C. Kays, and Emily J. Slaven

Incidence and Cost of Ankle Sprains in United States Emergency Departments
Shweta Shah, Abbey C. Thomas, Joshua M. Noone, Christopher M. Blanchette, and Erik A. Wikstrom

Aerobic Physical Fitness and Recreational Sports Participation After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review
Sue D. Barber-Westin and Frank R. Noyes

Association Between Concussion and Lower Extremity Injuries in Collegiate Athletes
Frances C. Gilbert, G. Trey Burdette, A. Barry Joyner, Tracy A. Llewellyn, and Thomas A. Buckley

A Pain in the Psoas: Groin Injury in a Collegiate Football Athlete
Charlotte M. H. Moriarty and Robert J. Baker


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