Prevalence of overweight and obesity and possible effect of intervention program: Tunisian children as model
Achraf Ammar, Osama Abdel Karim, Hamdi Chtourou, Anthony Parish & Anita Hoekelmann
Invited Review
Preconditioning cardioprotection and exercise performance: a radical point of view
Antonio Crisafulli, Daniele Mancardi, Elisabetta Marongiu, Raffaella Rastaldo, Claudia Penna & Pasquale Pagliaro
Original Articleย
Heart rate recovery following arm cranking is positively associated with resting heart rate variability in children
Mehdi Ahmadian & Valiollah Dabidi Roshan
Original Articleย
Reference values of vertical jumping parameters in Tunisian adolescent athletes
Mohamed Tounsi, Zouhair Tabka & Yassine Trabelsi
Original Articleย
Health-related physical fitness in martial arts and combat sports practitioners
Juliano Schwartz, Monica Y. Takito, Fabrรญcio B. Del Vecchio, Leandro S. Antonietti & Emerson Franchini
Original Articleย
Effects of spa treatment on cardiac autonomic control at rest in healthy subjects
Alessandro Corsini, Michela Capogrosso & Renza Perini
Original Articleย
The angiotensin I-converting enzyme I/D gene polymorphism in well-trained Malaysian athletes
Hazwani Ahmad Yusof, Rabinderjeet Singh, Zafarina Zainuddin, Kieron Rooney & Ahmad Munir Che Muhammed
Original Articleย
Measurement of levels of lung HIF-1ฮฑ protein in response to tapering for 14- and 21-day with nigella sativa supplementation in maturing rat, with histological study
Ehsan Arabzadeh, Shadmehr Mirdar & Zohreh Fathi
Original Articleย
Body composition using bioelectrical impedance analysis in elite young soccer players: the effects of age and playing position
Gema Torres-Luque, Fernando Calahorro-Caรฑada, Amador J. Lara-Sรกnchez, Nuria Garatachea & Pantelis T. Nikolaidis
Original Articleย
Serum chemerin and insulin sensitivity alterations due to exercise training below and above lactate thresholds in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats
Mehrdad Fathi, Alireza Delpasand & Morteza Nastaran
Original Articleย
Integrated total body composition and localized fat-free mass assessment
Gabriele Mascherini, Cristian Petri & Giorgio Galanti