Harry Arne Solberg
Befattning Professor i samfunnsøkonomi
Adress Trondheim Økonomiske Høgskole (HiST), Jonsvannsveien 82, N7004 Trondheim

Idrett of økonomi, økonomiske virkninger knyttet til sport
og spesielt sportsarrangementer, sport of turisme

Pågående projekt TV-sports rights – unprofitable but still attractive
Nyligen avslutade projekt The Economics of Major Sporting Events – a European perspective (ak avh)
Publikationer i urval
  • Solberg, Harry Arne and Gratton, Chris (2004): ”Would European Soccer Clubs Benefit from Playing in a Super League?” Soccer and Society, vol. 5, no. 1 2004.
  • Solberg, Harry Arne (2003): ”Major Sporting Events – Assessing the value of volunteers work.” Managing Leisure Vol. 8, no 1 pp. 17-27
  • Solberg, Harry Arne (2002): ”The Economics of Television Sports Rights. Europe and the US - A Comparative Analysis.” Norsk Medietidskrift. Vol. 10, no. 2, pp 59-81.
  • Solberg, Harry Arne, Andersson, Tommy D. and Shibli, Simon (2002): ”An exploration of the direct economic impacts from business travellers at world championships.” Event Management, Vol. 9, no 3, pp 20-28.
  • Solberg, Harry Arne (2002): ”Cultural Prescription - The European Commission's Listed Events Regulation – Over Reaction?” Culture, Sport, Society Vol. 5, no. 2, pp1-28
På idrottsforum.org
Sidan uppdaterad 2011–11–21