Ørnulf Seippel |
Befattning |
Professor sosiologi/statsvitenskap |
Adress |
NOVA - Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekt, velferd og aldring
Munthesgt. 29, Pb. 3223 Elisenberg, NO-0208 OSLO
ornulf.seippel@svt.ntnu.no |
Forskningsinriktning |
Sivilsamfunn, idrettssosiologi, idrettspolitikk
Pågående projekt |
Offentlige styring av frivillig idrett |
Publikationer i urval |
På idrottsforum.org |
- The Meaning of Sports: Why Americans Watch Baseball, Football, and Basketball and What They See When They Do Michael Mandelbaum New York: PublicAffairs 2004 (recension 050208)
- Baseball and American Culture: Across the Diamond Edward J. Rielly New York: The Haworth Press 2003 (recension 050503)
- Idrett i sivilsamfunnet: Nettverk, innflytelse og sosial kapital (artikel 060118)
- Learning Culture through Sports: Exploring the Role of Sports in Society Sandra Spickard Prettyman & Brian Lampman (red) Oxford, Oxon.: Rowman & Littlefield Education 2006 (recension 060927)
- Idræt som fest: Bogen om landsstævnet Henning Eichberg & Bo Vestergård Madsen Århus: Forlaget Klim 2006 (recension 070131)
- In Praise of Athletic Beauty Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press/Harvard University Press 2006 (recension 070829)
- 31 år på gress Arild Stavrum Oslo: Oktober 2008 (recension 081112)
- Sport Policy and Governance: Local Perspectives Neil King Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 (recension 091021)
- Coaching Soccer for Dummies National Alliance for Youth Sports & Greg Bach Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing 2006 (recension 100331)
- Sport and Character: Reclaiming the Principles of Sportmanship Craig Clifford & Randolph M. Feezell Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2010 (recension 101124)
- The Ethics of Sports: A Reader Mike McNamee (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (recension 110831)
- Fitness, Class and Culture: Social Inequality in Fitness Centres (artikel, med Anne-Lene Ulseth Bakken, 111123)
- Watching Sport: Aesthetics, ethics and emotion Stephen Mumford Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (recension 120509)
- The Making of Sporting Cultures John Hughson Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2011 (recension 121010)
Sidan uppdaterad |
20121010 |