Urban Johnson
Befattning Lektor, docent i psykologi med inriktning på idrott
Adress Högskolan i Halmstad, Box 823, 301 18 Halmstad

Psykologiska aspekter på idrottsskada

Pågående projekt Skadeförebyggande träning ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv
Nyligen avslutade projekt Utvärdering av ett psykologiskt baserat interventionsprogram för skadade tävlingsidrottare
Publikationer i urval
  • Johnson, U. (2002). "Evalutation of a short-term psychological intervention after sport injury rehabilitation. A one-year follow up study of competitive athletes". In: G. Patriksson (ed.), Aktuell Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforskning. SVEBIs årsbok, 2002. Lund: SVEBI, p. 73-91.
  • Johnson, U. (2001). "Psychological aspects of athletic injuries as perceived by athletic trainers: Preliminary results from the Athletic Training and Sport Psychology Questionnaire on a Swedish population". In: G. Patriksson (ed.) Aktuell Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforskning. SVEBIS årsbok 2001. Lund: SVEBI, p. 99-109.
  • Johnson, U., Lindwall, M., & Carlsson, B. (2001). Prediction of sport injuries by Profile of Mood State. A case study of one rower and one handball player at national team level in Sweden ISSP, 10th International Congress of Sport Psychology, 94-96.
  • Johnson, U. (2000). "Short-term psychological intervention: A study of long-term injured competitive athletes". Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 9:207-218.
  • Johnson, U., & Lindwall, M. (2000). Bridging theory and practice in sport and exercise psychology  A dynamic reserach-practitioner perspective. The Sport Psychology in the New Millennium Conference in Halmstad, Sweden, 11-18.
På idrottsforum.org
Sidan uppdaterad 2010–10–13