Joakim Holmberg
Befattning Doktor i teknisk mekanik, vik universitetslektor

Avd. för mekanik, Linköpings universitet, 581 83 Linköping
Telefon: 013-282338


Biomekanik, Energiåtgång, Handikappidrott, Prestation, Simuleringar, Skidåkning, Verkningsgrad

Pågående projekt Ansökningar under behandling
Nyligen avslutat prpjekt Beräkningsbaserad biomekanik inom längdskidåkningen - möjligheter och begränsningar
Publikationer i urval
  • L. Joakim Holmberg and Anders Klarbring. Muscle decomposition and recruitment criteria influence muscle force estimates. Multibody System Dynamics, 2012. To appear.
  • L. Joakim Holmberg, Marie Lund Ohlsson, and Jonas Danvind. Musculoskeletal simulations: A complementary tool for classification of athletes with physical impairments. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 2012. To appear.
  • L. Joakim Holmberg, Marie Lund Ohlsson, Matej Supej, and Hans-Christer Holmberg. Skiing efficiency versus performance in double-poling ergometry. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2012. To appear.
  • John Rasmussen, L. Joakim Holmberg, Kasper Sørensen, Maxine Kwan, Michael S. Andersen, and Mark de Zee. Performance optimization by musculoskeletal simulation. Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, 75(1):73-83, 2012.
  • L. Joakim Holmberg and A. Marie Lund. A musculoskeletal full-body simulation of cross-country skiing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 222(1):11-22, 2008.
  • L. Joakim Holmberg and A. Marie Lund. Using double-poling simulations to study the load distribution between teres major and latissimus dorsi. In Vesa Linnamo, Paavo V. Komi, and Erich Müller, editors, Science and Nordic Skiing, pages 81-89. Meyer & Meyer Sport, Oxford, UK, 2007.
  • L. Joakim Holmberg. Cross-country Skiing Biomechanics using the AnyBody Modeling System. In Conference Proceedings, ANSYS Conference & 25. CADFEM Users' Meeting. CADFEM GmbH, Dresden, Germany, November 21-23 2007. ISBN 3-937523-04-9.
  • L. Joakim Holmberg and Hans-Christer Holmberg. The role of triceps in double-poling biomechanics, an introductory study. In Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Science and Skiing, St. Christoph am Aarlberg, Austria, December 14-20 2007.
  • A. Marie Lund and L. Joakim Holmberg. Which are the antagonists to the pectoralis major muscle in 4th gear free-style technique, cross-country skiing? In Vesa Linnamo, Paavo V. Komi, and Erich Müller, editors, Science and Nordic Skiing, pages 112-118. Meyer & Meyer Sport, Oxford, UK, 2007.
  • Joakim Holmberg and Paul Wagenius. A biomechanical model of a double-poling skier. In Peter Milburn, editor, International Society of Biomechanics XIXth Congress on The human body in motion, CD Rom Abstracts and Proceedings. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, July, 6-11 2003.
Sidan uppdaterad 2012–09–19