Kari Fasting
Befattning Professor
Adress Institutt for Samfunnsfag, Norges idrettshøgskole, Box 4014, Ullevål Stadion N-0806 Oslo, Norge

Idretts-sosiologi, -sosialpsykologi, idrett og kjønn, idrett og kvinner

Pågående projekt 1 ) Seksuell trakassering i og utenfor idretten
2) Gender relations in sport – experiences of the Czech female athletes
Publikationer i urval
  • Fasting, K, Pfister, G., Scraton, S., & Bunuel, A. (1999). "It is Still a Man's Game? The Experiences of Top-level Women Footballers in England, Germany, Norway and Spain", International Review for Sociology of Sport. 34 (2),99-113
  • Fasting, K., & Pfister, G. (2000). "Female and Male Coaches in the Eyes of Female Elite Soccer Players", European Physical Education Review, 6(1), 91-110.
  • Fasting, K., (2000) "Women's Role in National and International Sports Governing Bodies", In Drinkwater, B. L. Women in Sport. The Encyclopedia of Sport Medicine. An IOC medicine Commission Publication in Collaboration with the International Federation of Sport Medicine, vol VIII, Blackwell Publ. London, 441-453.
  • Fasting, K., Brackenridge, C. & Walseth, K., (2002) "Coping with sexual harassment in sport & experiences of elite female athletes", Journal of Sexual Aggression, 8, 37-49
  • Fasting, K., Brackenridge, C. & Sundgot-Borgen, J., (2003) ”Experiences of sexual harassment and abuse amongst Norwegian elite female athletes and non-athletes”, Accepted for publication in Research Quaterly for Exercise and Sport.(March)
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Sidan uppdaterad 2013-10-17