Publikationer i urval |
- "Doping Games. A game theoretical exploration of doping", Int.Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol 27 No 3 (1992), pp 235-256
- "Personality, psychological states and heart rate in novice and expert parachutists", Personality and Individual Differences, 25 (1998) 365-380
- "Against chance: a causal theory of winning in sport", I Tannsjö,T & Tamburrini,C. : Values in Sport. Elitism, nationalism, gender equality and the scinetific manufacture of winners, E & FN Spon. London and New York. 2000.04.07. s.141-156
- Michael Bar-Eli, Yotam Lurie and Gunnar Breivik (1999) "Rationality in Sport: A Psychophilosophical Approach", In: Ronnie Lidor, Michael Bar-Eli (eds.) Sport Psychology: Linking Theory and Practice. Fitness. Information Technology, Morgantown. USA. pp. 35-58.
- "Ekstremsport og risikotaking som sosiologisk og samfunnsmessig fenomen", I Ørnulf Seippel (red.) Idrettens bevegelser. Sosiologiske studier av idrett i et moderne samfunn, Novus Forlag. Oslo 2002. s.154-179