Performance psychology and positive youth development: A call to integrate for the benefit of all athletes
Scott Pierce, Karl Erickson
Regular Articles
Anabolics coaching: Emic harm reduction or a public health concern?
Nicholas Gibbs, Luke Cox, Luke Turnock
Understanding harm reduction perspectives of performance and image enhancing drug consumers and health care providers
Timothy M Piatkowski, Leanne M Hides, Katherine M White, Patricia L Obst, Matthew Dunn
The impact of mental health literacy initiatives on youth elite athletes: A systematic review
Samantha Diamond, Lee Wallace, Madeleine English, Cristina M. Caperchione
Editor’s Choice
Open Access
The challenges of anti-doping education implementation in Kenya: Perspectives from athletes and anti-doping educators
Byron O. Juma, Jules Woolf, Andrew Bloodworth
Commentary and Responses
Anabolics coaching: A necessary evil?
Mair Underwood
The case for ‘anabolics’ coaches: selflessness versus self-interest?
Orlanda Harvey, Edwin van Teijlingen
Coaching the drug coach: An invited commentary in response to Gibbs et al. anabolics coaching: Emic harm reduction or a public health concern?
Tim Piatkowski, Matthew Dunn
Continuing the conversation: Anabolics coaching: Emic harm reduction or a public health concern?
Nicholas Gibbs, Luke Cox, Luke Turnock