Time to critically appraise the promise of prevalence rates in the cognitive enhancement debate
Cynthia Forlini
Regular Articles
Knowledge and experience of using performance and image enhancing drugs among attendees of a Needle and Syringe Program in Australia: A qualitative study
Cornelia Graf, Siyu Qian, Naomi Viret, Amber Lautier
Open Access
Quantifying frequency of use of methods of body mass loss in competing UK powerlifters
T.J. Wood, L.J. Wilson, C. Curtis
Doping in recreational Welsh Rugby Union; Athletes’ beliefs and perceptions related to Anti-Doping policy and practice
Luke Thomas Joseph Cox, Andrew Bloodworth, Mike McNamee
Exploring user narratives of self-medicated black market IPED use for therapeutic & wellbeing purposes
Luke A. Turnock
Editor’s Choice
“A reward for surviving the day”: Women professionals’ substance use to enhance performance
Niki Kiepek, Brenda Beagan, Christine Ausman, San Patten