“It’s Okay to Not Be Okay”: Mental Health Concerns and New Directions as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Caitlyn Hauff, Sara M. Powell
Regular Articles
Football players’ preferences for anti-doping education: A cross-country study
Lida Skoufa, Garyfallia Daroglou, Andreas Loukovitis, Henrik Lunde, Greta Guižauskaitė, Vassilis Barkoukis
“It’s hard to find balance when you’re broken”: Exploring female endurance athletes’ psychological experience of recovery from relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S)
Rachel K. Langbein, Daniel Martin, Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Patricia C. Jackman
Seeing Shred: Differences in muscle dysmorphia, orthorexia nervosa, depression, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies among groups of weightlifting athletes
Donald C.G. MacPhail, Crystal D. Oberle
Editor’s Choice
“Strong, fearless, tough, enduring”: Collegiate male wrestlers’ perceptions of body image and masculinity
Kimberly S. Fasczewski, Sara M. Powell, Nolasco R. Stevens, Jared W. Skinner
Commentary and Responses
The “big red bull” in the esports room: Anti-doping, esports, and energy drinks
Francisco Javier Lopez Frias
Esports: There is a “red bull” in the room but it’s a jungle out there
Joanna Wall Tweedie
Esports anti-doping advocates and their strange bedfellow: A matter of integrity and sport ethics
Francisco Javier Lopez Frias