Topic: Race, ethnicity, identity, integration and sports

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to-page-topResearch Articles

Andersson, Mette Multikulturelle representanter mellom nasjonal og global toppidrett (041012)
Andersson, Torbjörn Fotbollen i Södertälje (051102)
Dahlén, Peter Rasfrågan i amerikansk idrott (050405)
Dahlén, Peter Svarta idrottsstjärnor och rasismens diskurs: Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan och Mike Tyson i jämförande belysning (051019 [del 1]051102 [del 2]), 051116 [del 3]
Davidsson, Fanny Fotboll för fred: Fotboll som redskap för fred och försoning (091216)
Eliassi, Barzoo, Dan-Erik Andersson & Leif Stenberg Fotbollströjor, terror och tillhörighetspolitik (140521)
Flekke, Bernt Ove Kunst og konstruktion: Nasjonale stereotypiar i norske sportskommentarar under fotball-VM ’02 (030907)
Fundberg, Jesper Vi vs Dom: Idrottens förmåga och problem med integration (041026)
Gregersen, Martin Treumer ’Det forestillede fælleskab’: Strategier for etnisk integration i danske og svenske fodboldklubber (111214)
Hafen, Niklas Idrott, demokrati och internationellt fredsarbete: Betydelsen av och motiven till föräldrars och ledares engagemang i Open Fun Football Schools i Skopje, Makedonien (100922)
Hertting, Krister & Inger Karlefors Entrance into Swedish Children’s Sports: Newly-migrated children’s perspective (160125)
Janzon, Ellis, Hannele Piirainen & Ingrid Bolmsjö Fysiskt aktiva utrikesfödda kvinnor i Sverige: Vad motiverar dem att börja och att fortsätta? (130613)
Janzon, Ellin & Jennie Holgersson Hur medvetna är företrädarna för idrottsorganisationerna om invandrarkvinnors behov och synsätt när det gäller fysisk aktivitet? En kvalitativ intervjustudie med representanter från Malmö stads motions- och idrottsorganisationer (140430)
Jönsson, Emelie ’’Vi säger hej och välkommen, på med skorna’’: En kvalitativ studie om hur idrottsföreningar bemöter nyanlända invandrare (161116)
Kolfjord, Ingela Landskrona i förvandling – en idrotts- och kunskapsstad i vardande (051102)
Kolfjord, Ingela Kan idrotten vara brottsreducerande? (080206)
Lindkvist, Jonas Bland idrottare och idrottningar (090211)
Nordsetrønningen, Alf-Ivar Rabben Norge, Italia og de andre: En analyse av åpningsseremonien i Torino OL 2006 på NRK1 (061011)
Nordsetrønningen, Alf-Ivar Rabben Et flashback fra La Castellane: En analyse av fremstillingen av Zinedine Zidane under fotball-VM 2006 i norsk dagspresse (080409)
Olsen, Nina Skyhøj Den danske ”muskeljøde”: Idrættens betydning for bevarelse af kulturel identitet og integration af en etnisk minoritet i mellemkrigstidens Danmark (130423)
Silva, Diana Mendes Machado da, João Paulo França Streapco & Paulo Nascimento Nationality and Brazilian Football: Research from the Interdisciplinary Group of Studies on Football (GIEF) (101124)
Skille, Eivind Å. Idrett for alle: Enhetlig mangfold eller en tredie vei (060329)
Skille, Eivind Å. Forskning om kjønn, etnisitet og ungdom som økt forståelse for forskjeller i ungdoms idrettsdeltakelse (060913)
Skille, Eivind Å. Ethno-politics and state sport policy: The case of how the Sámi Sport Association–Norway challenged the Norwegian confederation of sport’s monopoly for state subsidies to sport (published in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 3, 2012)
Skogvang, Bente Ovèdie Fotball som vitenskap: Forskerens forhold til praksisfeltet og forskningens relevans for praksis (061129)
Stark, Tobias Från “lappjävel” till ”the King”: Börje Salming, NHL, och den svenska modellen (publicerad i Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum Vol. 8, 2017, 171128)
Strandbu, Åse Idrettsdeltakelse blant unge jenter med innvandrerbakgrunn (040620)
Sundvoll, Heidi & Anne Tjønndal Idrett som en arena for inkludering av innvandrere og etniske minoriteter i samfunnet (151006)
Taylor, Matthew Football, Migration and Globalization: The Perspective of History (070314)
Trondman, Mats ”Idrott är ingenting för flickor,” säger Karolina. Om kultur, genus och idrott (med Cecilia Dovborn 060503)
Walseth, Kristin En problematisering av idretten som arena for integrasjon av etniske minoriteter(040127)

to-page-topFeature Articles

Dahlén, Peter & Jesper Fundberg Debatt om etnicitet, sexualitet och invandrarflickors idrottande (080606)
Davidsson, Fanny Fotboll i Sydafrika – inte bara FIFA World Cup (100922)
Freitas, Guilherme Silva Pires Analyzing migratory waves through sports and leisure practices in the 21st century: The Refugees and Immigrants Football Cup in São Paulo (240528)
Hedén, Birger Zlatan – möjligen störst, men inte först! (191014)
Hedenborg, Susanna & Aage Radmann Women’s Sport in Africa – a Resource for Hope? (110330)
Carl-Gustaf Scott Bajen, Gnaget och Bananerna (121123)

to-page-topBook Reviews

The 1936 Berlin Olympics: Race, Power, and Sportswashing Jules Boykoff Champaign, IL: Common Ground 2023 (review in English by Martin Friis Andersen, published 230901)
A Legacy of African American Resistance and Activism Through Sport Joseph N. Cooper Oxford, Oxon: Peter Lang Publishing 2021 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 240503)
Aboriginal Stars of the Turf: Jockeys of Australian Racing History John Maynard Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press 2003 (Susanna Hedenborg 051116)
Aborigines in Sport Colin Tatz Bedford Park, SA: The Australian Society for Sports History 1987 (Susanna Hedenborg 051116)
African Footballers in Sweden: Race, Immigration, and Integration in the Age of Globalization Carl-Gustaf Scott Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2015 (Peter Alegi 160226)
Ajax, the Dutch, the War: Fotball in Europe during the Second World War Simon Kuper London: Orion 2003 (Mickael Möller 040113)
Aktiv Oslo-ungdom: En studie av idrett, minoritetsbakgrunn og kjønn Åse Strandbu & Anders Bakken Oslo: Nova 2007 (Ingela Kolfjord 070829)
Det assyrisk-syrianska fotbollsundret Robert Erickson Stockholm: GML Förlag 2010 (Torbjörn Andersson 110420)
The Balotelli Generation: Issues of Inclusion and Belonging in Italian Football and Society Max Mauro Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2016 (Mattias Melkersson 180126)
Becoming Native in a Foreign Land: Sport, Visual Culture and Identity in Montreal 1840–85 Gillian Poulter Vancouver, BC: UBC Press 2009 (Johnny Wijk 100606)
Being Sugar Ray: The Life of Sugar Ray Robinson, America’s Greatest Boxer and First Celebrity Athlete Kenneth Shropshire Jackson, TN: Basic Civitas Books 2007 (Peter Dahlén 111214)
Black and Asian Athletes in British Sport and Society: A Sporting Chance? Patrick Ismond London: Palgrave Macmillan 2003 (Jesper Fundberg 040406)
The Black Athlete Revolt: The Sport Justice Movement in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter Shaun M. Anderson Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2022 (review in English by Steph Doehler, published 230927)
Black Cyclists: The Race for Inclusion Robert J. Turpin Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2024 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 240522)
Black Maestro: The Epic Life of an American Legend Joe Drape New York: William Morrow/HarperCollins 2006 (Susanna Hedenborg 071212)
Black Mercuries: African American Athletes, Race, and the Modern Olympic Games David K. Wiggins, Kevin B. Witherspoon & Mark Dyreson Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2023 (review in English by Christoph Wagner, published 240430)
Black Winning Jockeys in the Kentucky Derby James Robert Saunders & Monica Renae Saunders Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2003 (Susanna Hedenborg 060913)
Breaking the Ice: The Black Experience in Professional Hockey Cecil Harris Toronto, Ont.: Insomniac Press 2003 (Tobias Stark 041214)
Burying Don Imus: Anatomy of a Scapegoat Michael Awkward Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2009 (David Leonard 110126)
Changing on the Fly: Hockey through the voices of South Asian Canadians Courtney Szto New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2021 (review in English by Tobias Stark, published 230126)
Cricket, Race and the 2007 World Cup Jon Gemmell & Boria Majumdar (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2008 (Guy Osborn 100901)
Cultural Sport Psychology Robert J. Schinke & Stephanie J. Hanrahan (red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2009 (Joakim Ingrell 100127)
Darby McCarthy: Against All Odds Lauren Callaway Melbourne: Melbourne Books 2004 (Susanna Hedenborg 051116)
Defending the American Way of Life: Sport, Culture, and the Cold War Toby C. Rider & Kevin B. Witherspoon (eds.) Fayetteville, Ark.: The University of Arkansas Press 2018 (review in English by Kristian Gerner, published 210428)
Diversity in Sport Organizations George B. Cunningham Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2007 (David Cardell 080903)
Diversity in Sport Organizations: Second Edition George B. Cunningham Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway 2011 (Sine Agergaard 111012)
Ethnicity, Sport, Identity: Struggles for Status J. A. Mangan & Andrew Ritchie (red) London: Frank Cass 2004 (Helena Tolvhed 041214)
Ethnicity and Race in Association Football: Case Study Analyses in Europe, Africa and the USA David Hassan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (David Holt Olsen 140423)
Ethnosport: The End of Decline Alexey Kylasov Münster: Lit Verlag 2015 (Henning Eichberg 160519)
European Football in Black and White: Tackling Racism in Football Christos Kassimeris Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2008 (Allan Bennich Grønkjær 091216)
Fame to Infamy: Race, Sport, and the Fall from Grace David C. Ogden & Joel Nathan Rosen (red) Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2010 (Wendy Varney 120215)
Fight Pictures: A History of Boxing and Early Cinema Dan Streible Berleley, CA: University of California Press 2008 (Peter Dahlén 110608)
Flerfarget idrett: Nasjonalitet, migrasjon og minoritet Mette Andersson Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2008 (Anders Östnäs 080917)
Following the Ball: The Migration of African Soccer Players across the Portuguese Colonial Empire, 1949–1975 Todd Cleveland Athens, OH: Ohio University Press 2017 (Peter Alegi 180525)
Football, Ethnicity and Community: The Life of an African-Caribbean Football Club Paul Ian Campbell Bern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2016 (Mattias Melkersson 180509)
Football and Colonialism: Body and Popular Culture in Urban Mozambique Nuno Domingos Athens, OH: Ohio University Press 2017 (Peter Alegi 180525)
Football Fandom and Migration: An Ethnography of Transnational Practices and Narratives in Vienna and Istanbul Nina Szogs London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (Lise Joern 190228)
Full-Court Quest: The Girls from Fort Shaw Indian School, Basketball Champions of the World Linda S. Peavy & Ursula Smith Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press 2008 (Malcolm MacLean 121220)
Fútbol in the Park: Immigrants, Soccer, and the Creation of Social Ties David Trouille Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press 2021 (review in English by Nicole Hernandez, published 220131)
Globetrotting: African American Athletes and Cold War Politics Damion L. Thomas Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Anders Östnäs 171011)
The Great White Hopes: The Quest to Defeat Jack Johnson Graeme Kent Stroud, Gloucs: Sutton Publishing 2005 (Birger Hedén 070314)
”Heja judarna!” IK Makkabi 1933–2003 Mattias Grosin & Urban Orzolek Stockholm: Hillelförlaget 2003 (Torbjörn Andersson 040113)
Heja Persson! Samisk triumf i Vasaloppet Isak Lidström Malmö: Arx Förlag 2018 (Helge Chr. Pedersen 190124)
Hvorfor har vi ingen Zlatan i dansk fodbold? Martin Treumer Gregersen København: Frydenlund 2011 (Mickael Möller 111214)
Idrett, kjønn, kropp og kultur: Minoritetsjenters møte med norsk idrett Åse Strandbu Oslo: Nova 2006 (Jesper Fundberg 080123)
Idrottens kraft? Ungas livsvillkor och ojämlikhetens problem i en segregerad stad Magnus Dahlstedt & David Ekholm (red.) Lund: Studentlitteratur 2021 (review in Danish by Jørn Hansen, published 211111)
I fight for a Living: Boxing and the battle for black manhood 1880–1915 Louis Moore Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Anne Tjønndal 181009)
In the Game: Race, Identity, and Sports in the Twentieth Century Amy Bass (red) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 (Jesper Fundberg 060517)
Jackie Robinson and the Integration of Baseball Scott Simon Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons 2002 (Peter Dahlén 031028)
Jews and the Olympic Games: The Clash Between Sport and Politics (With a Complete Review of Jewish Olympic Medallists) Paul Taylor Brighton: Sussex Academic Press 2004 (Björn Sandahl 060412)
King of the Court: Bill Russell and the Basketball Revolution Aram Goudsouzian Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 2010 (Hans Bolling 131106)
The Making of Les Bleus: Sport in France, 1958–2010 Lindsay Sarah Krasnoff Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2013 (Kristian Gerner 140124)
Midnight Basketball: Race, Sports, and Neoliberal Social Policy Douglas Hartmann Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press 2016 (David Ekholm 171102)
Muslim Women and Sport Tansin Benn, Gertud Pfister & Haifaa Jawad (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Dagmar Dahl, Sine Agergaard 110831)
Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith Wirdati Mohammad Radzi Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books 2006 (Marit Nybelius 081001)
Non-levelled playing fields and the rise of fitness: Social inequality in late modern youth sport in Norway Mads Skauge Bodø: Nord University 2022 (review in English by Marie Larneby, published 221025)
Offside Racism: Playing the White Man Colin King Oxford: Berg Publishers 2004 (Jesper Fundberg 041214)
Only a Black Athlete Can Save Us Now Grant Farred Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2022 (review in English by Duncan R. Jamieson, published 230519)
Out of Left Field: Social Inequality and Sports Gamal Abdel-Shehid & Nathan Kalman-Lamb Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing 2011 (Russell Holden 131124)
Pitch Battles: Sport, Racism and Resistance Peter Hain & André Odendaal Oxford, Oxon.: Rowman & Littlefield Education 2021 (review in English by Wray Vamplew, published 210527)
På skidor i kulturella gränsland: Samiska spår i skidsportens historia Isak Lidström Malmö: Malmö universitet 2021 (review in Swedish by Jonny Hjelm, published 220203)
Queridas patrias: Un Testimonio de Ricardo Pizarro Ricardo Pizarro & Manuel Pizarro Stockholm: Editorial Senda/Senda Förlag 2009 (Enrique Pérez 100922)
Race, Gender and Sport: The Politics of Ethnic ‘Other’ Girls and Women Aarti Ratna & Samaya Farooq Samie (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Sepand Mashreghi Blank 180919)
Race, Sport and Politics: The Sporting Black Diaspora Ben Carrington London: Sage Publications 2010 (Wendy Varney 120215)
Race, Sport and the American Dream Earl Smith Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press 2007 (Jesper Fundberg 081001)
Race and Sport: The Struggle for Equality on and off the Field Charles K. Ross (red) Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2004 (Jesper Fundberg 051019)
Racism and English Football: For Club and Country Daniel Burdsey Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Mads Skauge, published 221206)
Reclaiming Tom Longboat: Indigenous Self-Determination in Canadian Sport Janice Forsyth Regina, SK: University of Regina Press 2020 (review in English by Malcolm MacLean, published 210914)
(Re)Presenting Wilma Rudolph Rita Liberti & Maureen M. Smith Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press 2015 (Grace Butcher 151113)
Rethinking Sports and Integration: Developing a Transnational Perspective on Migrants and Descendants in Sports Sine Agergaard Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Sepand Mashreghi Blank 190116)
The Revolt of the Black Athlete: 50th Anniversary Edition Harry Edwards Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press 2017 (Jorid Hovden 181128)
Revolt of the White Athlete: Race, Media and the Emergence of Extreme Athletes in America Kyle KuszBern: Peter Lang Publishing Group 2007 (Kalle Jonasson 070912)
The Sexual and Gender Politics of Sport Mega-Events: Roving Colonialism Heather Sykes Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2018 (Maria  Zuiderveld 181212)
Souled Out? How Blacks are Winning and Losing in Sports Shaun Powell Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2008 (Wendy Varney 090902)
Sport, Leisure and Social Justice Jonathan Long, Thomas Fletcher & Beccy Watson (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017 (Ørnulf Seippel 180125)
Sport, Race and Ethnicity: The Scope of Belonging Katie Liston & Paddy Dolan (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (Helge Chr. Pedersen 160121)
Sport: Race, Ethnicity and Identity: Building Global Understanding Daryl Adair (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Helge Chr. Pedersen 140131)
Sport and Challenges to Racism Jonathan Long & Karl Spracklen (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (Christian Widholm 111123)
Sport and Migration: Borders, Boundaries and Crossings Joseph Maguire & Mark Falcous (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2010 (Isabella Grujoska 111012)
Sport and Secessionism Mariann Vaczi & Alan Bairner (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Matti Goksøyr, published 230331)
Sport and Social Exclusion Michael F. Collins London: Routledge 2002 (Anders Östnäs 031209)
Sport and Social Exclusion: Second Edition Mike Collins & Tess Kay Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Anne Tjønndal 150305)
Sport and Sociology Dominic Malcolm Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Lars-Erik Alkvist 130516)
Sport in Aotearoa New Zealand: Contested Terrain Damion Sturm & Roslyn Kerr (ed.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2022 (review in English by Rod Philpott, published 221216)
Sport in the Pacific: Colonial and Postcolonial Consequences C. Richard King (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Hans Bolling 181220)
Sports and the Racial Divide: African American and Latino Experience in an Era of Change Michael E. Lomax (red) Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi 2011 (Halvdan Haugsbakken 111123)
Stjärnor på flykt: Historien om Hakoah Wien Gunnar Persson Stockholm: Norstedts 2004 (Torbjörn Andersson 050517)
Traditional Sports and Games in the Conemporary World: The New Face of Sport? Bartosz Prabucki Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2022 (review in English by Helge Chr. Pedersen, published 240229)
Transnational Sport: Gender, Media, and Global Korea Rachael Miyung Joo Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2012 (Anders Östnäs 130405)
The Urban Geography of Boxing: Race, Class, and Gender in the Ring Benita Heiskanen Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2012 (Anne Tjønndal 160331)
Utafor sporet?: Idrett, identiteter og regionalisme i nord [Off the beaten track: Sports, identity and regionalism in the north] Helge Chr. Pedersen & Eivind Å. Skille (red) Vallset: Oplandske Bokforlag 2016 (Daniel Svensson 170209)
Welcome to the Terrordome: The Pain, Politics, and Promise of Sports Dave Zirin Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books 2007 (Peter Dahlén 090211)
What’s My Name, Fool?: Sports and Resistance in the United States Dave Zirin Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books 2005 (Peter Dahlén 090211)
When Women Rule the Court: Gender, Race, and Japanese American Basketball Nicole Willms New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2017 (review in English by Mark Brooke, published 191030)
Why We Kneel, How We Rise Michael Holding London: Simon & Schuster 2021 (review in English by Russell Holden, published 211209)
Wink: The Incredible Life and Epic Journey of Jimmy Winkfield Ed Hotaling Maidenhead, Berks.: McGraw Hill Educational Europe 2004 (Susanna Hedenborg 051116)
Women, Soccer and Transnational Migration Sine Agergaard & Nina Clara Tiesler (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (Jonny Hjelm 161014)
Young, Black, Rich and Famous: The Rise of NBA, the Hip Hop Invasion and the Transformation of American Culture Todd Boyd New York & London: Doubleday 2003 (Peter Dahlén 040224)
Youth Sport, Migration and Culture: Two football teams and the changing face of Ireland Max Mauro Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2019 (review in English by Dilwyn Porter, published 211020)

to-page-topSport films

Dahlén, Peter The Longest Yard: Maktkritisk fotbollsfilm i fängelsemiljö (100217)
Dahlén, Peter Requiem for a Heavyweight: Den sista i en era av boxningsfilmer (110126)