Katarina Lundin & Sanna Skärlund
Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University
The school subject Physical Education and Health (PEH) has a wide scope with respect to its content, combining the aspects ‘sports’ and ‘health’. Previous studies have shown that for the Swedish school subject PEH, sports dominate the content of the subject in several aspects, as a result of, for instance, a vague and unspecific subject specific literacy used in the curricula and course books (Lundin & Schenker 2021, 2022; Lundin m. fl. 2021, 2023). This means that the health aspects of the subject are set aside. In this study, we present another possible cause to the fact that health aspects are not as prominent as sports aspects, although health has been a part of the Swedish school subject PEH since 1994 (Lpo94): the health part of the name of the subject Idrott och hälsa [sport and health] is hardly ever used when the subject is mentioned in press and newspaper material during these 30 years. The result is important since the eye influences and affects the mind: if the eyes of the readers only meet idrott and idrottslärare [sports teacher], this affects the ideas of the school subject and its content.
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KATARINA LUNDIN is a Professor of Swedish Language Education and an Associate Professor in Scandinavian Linguistics, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University; for four years, she was Guest Researcher at the Department of Sport Science, Linnaeus University, Sweden. Her research is focused on language use in sport contexts inside and outside school, on the one hand, and grammar and applied linguistics, on the other. In addition, she is the initiative taker of the network Idrott och språk/Språk i idrott (ISSI), Sports and language use/language use in sports.
SANNA SKÄRLUND is a senior lecturer in Swedish at Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, and she has a PhD in Scandinavian Linguistics. Her research interest mainly concerns language change, and she often uses corpora-based methods in her research to uncover how the Swedish language has developed both historically and in the present. Other areas relevant to her research are language policy, sociolinguistics and text analysis.
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