Leisure/Loisir Volume 39, Issue 2, 2015


Special Issue: Re-imagining therapeutic recreation: transformative practices and innovative approaches

leisure-loisir-dsRe-imagining and transforming therapeutic recreation: reaching into Foucault’s toolbox
Charles D. Sylvester
pages 167-191 |  DOI:10.1080/14927713.2015.1086581

Relational reflective process as an act of compassionate pedagogy in therapeutic recreation
Carrie L. Briscoe & Susan M. Arai
pages 193-214 |  DOI:10.1080/14927713.2015.1086582

Re-imagining inclusive, existential approaches to spirituality in therapeutic recreation
Kimberly J. Lyons & Kimberly J. Lopez
pages 215-234 |  DOI:10.1080/14927713.2015.1086586

Confronting ageism through therapeutic recreation practice
M. Rebecca Genoe & Colleen Whyte
pages 235-252 [  DOI:10.1080/14927713.2015.1086583

Transitions in identity, belonging, and citizenship and the possibilities of inclusion for women leaving prison: implications for therapeutic recreation
Darla Fortune & Felice Yuen
pages 253-276 |  DOI:10.1080/14927713.2015.1086587

“We all carry each other, sometimes”: care-sharing as social justice practice in integrated dance
Lindsay Eales & Donna Goodwin
pages 277-298 |  DOI:10.1080/14927713.2015.1086584

Dialogues for re-imagined praxis: using theory in practice to transform structural, ideological, and discursive “realities” with/in communities
Susan M. Arai, Lisbeth A. Berbary & Sherry L. Dupuis
pages 299-321 |  DOI:10.1080/14927713.2015.1086585


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