Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Volume 35, 2016, Issue 4


jtpe-dsIntroduction to the Special Issue: Models Based Practice in Physical Education
Ben Dyson, Pamela Kulinna, and Mike Metzler


The Possibilities of “Doing” Outdoor and/or Adventure Education in Physical Education/Teacher Education
Sue Sutherland and Maureen Legge

Comparisons of Academic Researchers’ and Physical Education Teachers’ Perspectives on the Utilization of the Tactical Games Model
Stephen Harvey and Shane Pill

Quality and Health-Optimizing Physical Education: Using Assessment at the Health and Education Nexus
Dean Dudley, Victoria Goodyear, and David Baxter

Teacher Fidelity to a Physical Education Curricular Model and Physical Activity Outcomes
Michalis Stylianou, Tiffany Kloeppel, Pamela Kulinna, and Han van der Mars

Gender and School-Level Differences in Students’ Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity Levels When Taught Basketball Through the Tactical Games Model
Stephen Harvey, Megan L. Smith, Yang Song, David Robertson, Renee Brown, and Lindsey R. Smith

Social and Emotional Learning Through a Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Based After-School Program for Disengaged Middle-School Boys
Barrie Gordon, Jenn M. Jacobs, and Paul M. Wright

The Co-Construction of Cooperative Learning in Physical Education With Elementary Classroom Teachers
Ben P. Dyson, Rachel Colby, and Mark Barratt

The SPARK Programs: A Public Health Model of Physical Education Research and Dissemination
Thomas L. McKenzie, James F. Sallis, Paul Rosengard, and Kymm Ballard

Models-Based Practice in Physical Education: The Case for Sport Education
Peter A. Hastie and Tristan Wallhead

Models Based Practices in Physical Education: A Sociocritical Reflection
Dillon Landi, Katie Fitzpatrick, and Hayley McGlashan


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