Transition Experiences of Former Collegiate Women’s Soccer Athletes
J.D. DeFreese, Erianne Weight, Jamie DeCicco, Aliza Nedimyer, Zachary Kerr, Kevin Carneiro, Jason Mihalik, Avinash Chandran
Moving Beyond the Question of Education or Exploitation: The Dynamic Experiences of Black Male Student-Athletes
Jonathan Howe, Marc Johnston-Guerrero
Outsiders Within: College Sport as an Avenue to Integrate International Students
Xiaochen Zhou, Anthony Pizzo, Daniel C. Funk
“Are the Punishments Consistent?”: A Quantitative Analysis of NCAA Enforcement
Khirey Walker, Brian Soebbing, Chad Seifried
The Career Experiences of Female Registered Dietitians in NCAA Division I Athletic Departments
Robin Hardin, Lauren Antle, Lauren Beasley
Stress, Anxiety, Binge Drinking, and Substance Use among College Student-Athletes: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Brandon A. Knettel, Emily M. Cherenack, Courtney Bianchi-Rossi