Jens Ljunggren on

Jens Ljunggren (born 1964) is a professor of history, especially sports history, at Stockholm University. His dissertation from 1999 was entitled (in translation) Physical education: The Masculinity project of Ling gymnastics, 1790-1914. His research touches, in addition to sports history, on masculinity and emotional history. Ljunggren’s latest book (in Swedish) is Den svenska idrottens historia (The history of Swedish sports) 2020.

Book reviews

Body by Weimar: Athletes, Gender, and German Modernity Erik N. Jensen Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010 (120328)
Fotboll, kommersialisering, demokrati [Football, Commercialization, Democracy] Christer Ericsson, Björn Horgby & Bill Sund Malmö: Bokförlaget 2019 (191127)
Games People Played: A Global History of Sport Wray Vamplew London: Reaktion Books 2021 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 211201)
Golf as Meaningful Play: A Philosophical Guide W. Thomas Schmid Lanham, MD: Lexington Books 2017 (180516)
Handbuch Sportgeschichte Michael Krüger & Hans Langenfeld (red) Schorndorf: Hofmann 2010 (111102)
Myths and Milestones in the History of Sport Stephen Wagg (red) Basingstoke, Hamps.: Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (120919)
New Directions in Sport History Duncan Stone, John Hughson & Rob Ellis (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2015 (150915)
NOlympians: Inside the Fight Against Capitalist Mega-Sports in Los Angeles, Tokyo and Beyond Jules Boykoff Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing 2020 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 210727)
NOlympics: Tokyo 2020/1 in der Kritik Steffi Richter, Andreas Singler & Dorothea Mladenova (red) Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2020 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 210727)
The Passion of Tiger Woods: An Anthropologist Reports on Golf, Race, and Celebrity Scandal Orin Starn Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2011 (130821)
Sport History: The Basics Gerald R. Gems Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2021 (review in English by Jens Ljunggren, published 220307)
The Tiger Woods Phenomenon: Essays on the Cultural Impact of Golf’s Fallible SupermanDonna J. Barbie (red) Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2012 (130821)


Dags för ett historiskt grepp på svensk dopning och antidopningspolitik | Dopning i Sverige: ett historiskt forskningsprojekt (med Paul Sjöblom och Bill Sund, 131206)