Research Articles
Global value added chains and the recruitment activities of European professional football teams
Thijs A Velema, Han-Yu Wen, and Yu-Kai Zhou
The capabilities and human rights of high performance athletes
Andrew Adams and Emma Kavanagh
Measurement of muscular Christian ideals in sport: Validation of the Contemporary Muscular Christian Instrument
Andrew R Meyer, Christopher J Wynveen, and Nick Watson
Sport as culture: Social class, styles of cultural consumption and sports participation in Canada
Adam Gemar
It’s cold and there’s something to do: The changing geography of Canadian National Hockey League players’ hometowns
Lisa Kaida and Peter Kitchen
Waves of simulation: Arguing authenticity in an era of surfing the hyperreal
Michael Roberts and Jess Ponting
Book Review
Book Review: Waves of Knowing: A Seascape Epistemology
Nick Ford