Real option valuation methods: application in the football sector
Rania El Modni; Mounime Elkabbouri; Tariq Morchid
It is not about the problem you face but how you define it: the case of the gentlemen’s pact in the Mexican football league
Rogelio Puente-Díaz
Consuming team sports: individual versus collective flow experiences and well-being
Kirstin Hallmann; Konrad Reuß; Kathrin Sander; Laura Bogner
Small-world networks and regional traders on the European football transfer market
Diána Ivett Fűrész; Zsolt Havran
Why do(n’t) young people watch the Olympics?: A comparison of motives and constraints for attendance and media viewing
Jeeyoon Kim; YuKyoum Kim
CSR communication in the outdoor sports industry: a content analysis of CSR disclosures by seven international corporate brands
Aurélien François; Benjamin Harant; Natacha Heutte