“You got a new name!” how does renaming a music festival with a brand affect the festivalgoer’s purchase intention
Amélia Brandão, Mahesh Gadekar
Antecedents and outcomes of the consumer-based brand equity of events and its importance for destinations: the case of Portuguese music festivals
Telma Van-Dúnem, Arnaldo Coelho, Cristela Maia Bairrada
The moderator role of COVID-19 risk perception in the impact of festival experience quality on life satisfaction
Kubra Asan, Mustafa Daskin, Kerem Kaptangil
An emotional perspective of music festival experience evaluation: a new model of emotional analysis
Jordi Oliva
The influence of Web Summit attendees’ age and length of stay on leisure activity preferences and city image
Arlindo Neves Madeira, Rosa Isabel Rodrigues, Teresa Palrão, Vasco Ribeiro Santos
The role of authenticity on revisit intention: tourist experience as a mediation at the Reyog Ponorogo National Festival
Supriono, Mohammad Iqbal, Andriani Kusumawati, Muhamad Robith Alil Fahmi

From the land of Gama: event attachment scale (EAS) development exploring fans’ attachment and their intentions to spectate at traditional gaming events
Junaid Rehman, Muhammad Kashif, Thangaraja Arumugam