- PhD, Førsteamanuensis
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
Postboks 235
3603 Kongsberg
- Idrettssosiologi, folkehelsevitenskap
Pågående projekt
- The meaning of health, body and physical activity among middle age and elderly rural men in contemporary Norway
Publikationer i urval
- Fasting, K., Chroni, S., Hervik, S. E., & Knorre, N. (2011). Sexual harassment in sport toward females in three European countries. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 46(1), 76-89. doi: 10.1177/1012690210376295
- Hervik, S. E., & Fasting, K. (2014). ‘It is passable, I suppose’ – Adult Norwegian men’s notions of their own bodies. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. doi: 10.1177/1012690214557709
- “I have a pacemaker and hip replacement, but I’m up and running” – Rural Norwegian men’s meanings related to health, body and physical activity. [Diss.] Oslo: Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 2017 194 s. (Review)
Uppdaterad 2017-08-21