- Professor, PhD, Fakultet for lærerutdanning og internasjonale studier, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus
Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus
Postboks 4, St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo
Research interests
- Sport pedagogy, physical activity and adapted physical activity, phenomenology
Ongoing research
- Praktisk kunnskap i idrettspedagogisk arbeid, Kroppsleg læring
Selected publication
Standal, Ø.F. (2016). Phenomenology and pedagogy in physical education. Oxon, UK: Routledge
Standal, Ø.F. & Rugseth, G. (2015). Inkluderende kroppsøving. [Inclusive physical education] Oslo: Cappelen Damm
Standal, Ø. F., & Aggerholm, K. (2016). Habits, skills and embodied experiences: a contribution to philosophy of physical education. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 1-14. doi:10.1080/17511321.2016.1220972
Moen, K. M.& Standal, Ø.F. (2016). Practicum in Physical Education Teacher Education: An Educational Partnership?. Sage Open DOI: 10.1177/2158244016635715
Standal, Ø. F. & Rugseth, G. (2016). Experience, Intersubjectivity, and Reflection: A Human Science Perspective on Preparation of Future Professionals in Adaptive Physical Activity. Quest, 68 (1) 29-42
Rugseth, G. & Standal, Ø.F. (2015). My body can do magical things. The movement experiences of an obese man — a phenomenological study Phenomenology and Practice, 9 5-15
Standal, Ø.F. & Rugseth, G. (2014). Practicum in adapted physical activity. A Dewey-inspired action research project. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 31; 219 – 239
Moen, K.M. & Standal, Ø.F. (2014). Student teachers’ perceptions of the practicum in physical education teacher education in Norway. Nordic Studies of Education 34; 111-126
Standal, Ø.F. (2014). Phenomenology and adapted physical activity. Philosophy and professional practice. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 31; 35-48
Standal, Ø.F. & Rugseth, G. (2014). Practicum in adapted physical activity. A Dewey-inspired action research project. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 31; 219 – 239
Mordal Moen, K. & Standal, Ø.F. (2014). Student teachers’ perceptions of the practicum in physical education teacher education in Norway. Nordic Studies of Education 34; 111-126
Standal, Ø.F. (2014). Phenomenology and adapted physical activity. Philosophy and professional practice. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 31; 35-48
Standal, Ø.F., Mordal Moen, K. & Moe, V.F. (2014). Theory and practice in the context of practicum. The perspectives of Norwegian physical education student teachers. European Physical Education Review, 20; 165–178. DOI:10.1177/1356336X13508687
Næss, H.S., Säfvenbom, R. & Standal, Ø.F. (2014). Running with Dewey. Is it possible to learn to enjoy running in High School Physical Education? Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 6; 301-315, DOI:10.1080/2159676X.2013.796489
Hegde, E. & Standal, Ø.F. (2013). Learning to become a team player. Situated learning in Paralympic sledge hockey. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity 6; 30-42
Standal, Ø.F. & Moe, V.F. (2013). Reflective practice in physical education and physical education teacher education. A review of the literature since 1995. Quest 65; 220 – 240.
Standal, Ø.F. & Engelsrud, G. (2013). Researching embodiment in movement contexts: A phenomenological approach. Sport, Education & Society 18; 154-166.
Standal, Ø.F. & Engelsrud, G. (2011): ”Researching embodiment in movement contexts: A phenomenological approach.” Sport, Education & Society. DOI:10.1080/13573322.2011.608944
Standal, Ø.F. & Moe, V.F. (2011): ”Merleau-Ponty meets Kretchmar: Sweet tensions of embodied learning.” Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5; 256–269
Standal, Ø.F. (2011): ”‘I learned nothing from him’. Reflections on Problematic Issues with Peer Modeling in Rehabilitation.” Phenomenology and Practice, 5; 48–58
Standal, Ø. F. (2011). ”Re-embodiment: incorporation through embodied learning of wheelchair skills.” Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 14; 177–184.
Standal, Ø.F. & Hemmestad, L.B. (2011): ”Becoming a good coach: Coaching andphronesis.” In: C. Jones & A. Hardman (eds): Coaching and ethics (s. 45–56). London, UK: Routledge.
Hemmestad, L.B., Jones, R., Standal, Ø.F. (2010): ”Phronetic social science: A means of better researching and analysing coaching?” Sport, Education & Society 15; 447–459
Standal, Ø. F. (2010). ”Pedagogisk arbeid i rehabilitering. Ei drøfting av praktiske og pedagogiske handlingar.” I K. Steinsholt & K. P. Gurholt (red.), Aktive liv.Idrettspedagogiske perspektiv på kropp, bevegelse og dannelse. (s. 101-120). Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag.
Standal, Ø.F. (2009): Relations of meaning. A phenomenologically oriented case study of learning bodies in a rehabilitation context. Unpublished PhD-dissertation. Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway. (Tilgjengeleg her: http://brage.bibsys.no/nih/handle/URN:NBN:no-bibsys_brage_9222)
Standal, Ø.F. & Jespersen, E. (2008): ”Peers as resources for learning. A situated learning approach to adapted physical activity.” Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 25; 208-227
Standal, Ø.F. (2008): ”Celebrating the insecure practitioner. A critique of evidence-based practice in adapted physical activity.” Sport, Ethics and Philosophy. 2; 200-215
On idrottsforum.org
Spelet på fältet: Relationen mellan ämnet idrott och hälsa i gymnasieskolan och idrott på fritid Mikael Londos Malmö: Malmö högskola 2010 (book review 101013)
Adapted Physical Education and Sport: Fifth Edition Joseph P. Winnick(red) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2011 (book review 111102)
I takt med tiden?: Perspektiv på idrottslärarutbildning i Skandinavien Erik Backman & Lena Larsson (red) Lund: Studentlitteratur 2013 (book review 141008)
The Philosophy of Physical Education: A new perspective Steven A. Stolz Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2014 (book review 150116)
Endurance Running: A socio-cultural examination William Bridel, Pirkko Markula & Jim Denison (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 (book review 160428)
Rörelseförmåga i idrott och hälsa: En bok om rörelse, kunskap och lärande Gunn Nyberg & Håkan Larsson Lund: Studentlitteratur 2016 (book review 170510)
Practising movement at home: An idea for meaningful remote teaching in physical education (feature article, with Kenneth Aggerholm, Dean Barker & Håkan Larsson, 210521)
‘While we may lead a horse to water we cannot make him drink’: three physical education teachers’ professional growth through and beyond a prolonged participatory action research project | A summary (feature article, with Lars Bjørke & Kjersti Mordal Moen, 211213)
Publicerad 2014-10-08 | Updated 2021-12-13