Sport Scholar Profile | Kenneth Aggerholm, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences



  • PhD, Professor


Research interests

  • Philosophy of sport
  • Sport pedagogy
  • Philosophy of education
  • Existential philosophy
  • Phenomenology
  • Ethics
  • Talent development
  • Physical education
  • Adapted physical activity, embodiment and learning

Selected publications

Aggerholm, Kenneth. Idrettens verdier og etikk – et spørsmål om pedagogikk. Seminar i Norges Idrettsforbund 2022
Aggerholm, Kenneth. The Digi-appearing Body: Questions Concerning Physical Activity in the Digital Age. 49th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS); 2022
Ronkainen, Noora; Aggerholm, Kenneth. Creativity and Practising in Sport. Physical Activity Researcher Podcast [Internett] 2022
Ronkainen, Noora; Aggerholm, Kenneth. Practising and Meaningful Experiences in Physical Education. Physical Activity Researcher Podcast [Internett] 2022
Ronkainen, Noora; Aggerholm, Kenneth; Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn; Ryba, Tatiana V. Beyond life-skills: talented athletes, existential learning and (Un)learning the life of an athlete. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 2022
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Practising movement. I: Learning Movements: New Perspectives of Movement Education. Routledge 2021 ISBN 9780367356811. s. 118-132
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Barker, Dean; Standal, Øyvind Førland; Larsson, Håkan. Practising movement at home: An idea for meaningful remote teaching in physical education. 2021
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Ronkainen, Noora. Existential Learning. Webinar – With an eye for learning; 2021
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Standal, Øyvind Førland. Humanvitenskapelig pedagogikk i kroppsøving. Kroppsøvingskonferansen; 2021
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Standal, Øyvind Førland. Kroppslig læring er noe man kan øve seg på. I: Kroppslig læring – perspektiver og praksiser. Universitetsforlaget 2021 ISBN 978-82-15-04370-8. s. 72-83
Hordvik, Mats Melvold; Aggerholm, Kenneth. A Bildung Theoretical Underpinning of Models-based Practice in Physical Education. AIESEP International Conference; 2021
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Defiance in sport. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 2020
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Handicap – Om det pædagogiske arbejde med besværligheder, forhindringer og ulemper. I: Sans for bevægelse – livsnerven i pædagogisk arbejde. Hans Reitzels Forlag 2020 ISBN 9788741274942. s. 95-114
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Kropp + Øving = Sant. NIH-bloggen 2020
Aggerholm, Kenneth. The Philosophy of Football by by Borge, S., Abingdon, Routledge, 2019, 296 pp. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2020 ;Volum 14.(2) s. 282-286
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Breivik, Gunnar. Being, having and belonging: values and ways of engaging in sport. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics 2020
Højbjerre Larsen, Signe; Aggerholm, Kenneth. En filosofisk tilgang: Bubbles & Squat – har dionysos sneget sig ind i fitnesscenteret?. I: Krop og bevægelse i idræt og sundhed: Kulturanalytiske tilgange. Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2020 ISBN 978 87 408 3267 9. s. 149-162
Madsen, Kasper Lasthein; Aggerholm, Kenneth. ”Den følelse kan jeg ikke skabe, hvis jeg bare står og fortæller” – Lærernes erfaringer med en handlingsorienteret tilgang til bevægelse i folkeskolen. Forskning og Forandring 2020 ;Volum 3.(1) s. 132-152
Madsen, Kasper Lasthein; Aggerholm, Kenneth. Embodying education – a bildung theoretical approach to movement integration. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy 2020 ;Volum 6.(2) s. 157-164
Madsen, Kasper Lasthein; Aggerholm, Kenneth; Jensen, Jens-Ole. Enactive movement integration: Results from an action research project. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies2020 ;Volum 95
Ronkainen, Noora; Aggerholm, Kenneth; Ryba, Tatiana V.; Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn. Learning in sport: from life skills to existential learning. Sport, Education and Society 2020 ;Volum 26.(2) s. 214-227
Ronkainen, Noora; Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn; Aggerholm, Kenneth; Ryba, Tatiana. Superwomen? Young sporting women, temporality and learning not to be perfect. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 2020 s. –
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Bevægelsesglæde – et pædagogisk mål eller middel?. RE:MOVE 2019 Bevægelse og læring – i daginstitution og skole; 2019
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Defiance in sport. 47th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS); 2019
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Breivik, Gunnar. Being, Having and Belonging: Values and Ways of Engaging in Sport. Annual Conference for the British Philosophy of Sport Association; 2019
Rucinska, Zuzanna; Aggerholm, Kenneth. Embodied and Enactive Creativity in Sports. I: Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology. MIT Press 2019 ISBN 9780262348171. s. 669-694
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Jespersen, Ejgil. Kroppslig forståelse av motivasjon i kroppsøving. Kroppsøvingskonferansen; 2018
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Larsen, Signe Højbjerre. Bubbles & Squat – did Dionysus just sneak into the fitness centre?. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 2018 ;Volum 45.(2) s. 189-203
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Standal, Øyvind Førland. Bildung-Theoretical Reflections on the Justification of Physical Education. Annual Meeting of the International Association for Philosophy of Sport; 2018
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Standal, Øyvind Førland; Dean, Barker; Håkan, Larsson. On practising in physical education: outline for a pedagogical model. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 2018 ;Volum 23.(2) s. 197-208
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Standal, Øyvind Førland; Hordvik, Mats. Competition in Physical Education: Avoid, Ask, Adapt or Accept?. Quest (National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education) 2018 ;Volum 70.(3) s. 385-400
Barker, Dean; Aggerholm, Kenneth; Standal, Øyvind Førland; Larsson, Håkan. Developing the practising model in physical education: an expository outline focusing on movement capability. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 2018 ;Volum 23.(2) s. 209-221
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Ethics of Youth Sport. I: Philosophy: Sport. Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2017 ISBN 978-0-02-866337-1. s. 223-242
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Højbjerre Larsen, Signe. Parkour as acrobatics: an existential phenomenological study of movement in parkour. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 2017 ;Volum 9.(1) s. 69-86
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Larsen, Signe Højbjerre. Bubbles & Squat – Did Dionysus just sneak into the fitness center?. IAPS Conference; 2017
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Martiny, Kristian Moltke. Yes We Can! A Phenomenological Study of a Sports Camp for Young People With Cerebral Palsy. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 2017 ;Volum 34.(4) s. 362-381
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Matthews, John. Having a talent or Being a talent – that is the question. EAPS & BPSA Conference; 2017
Aggerholm, Kenneth; Standal, Øyvind Førland; Hordvik, Mats. Vi må tale om konkurranse i kroppsøving. Kroppsøvingskonferansen 2017; 2017
Aggerholm, Kenneth. On practising in sport: towards an ascetological understanding of sport. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 2016 ;Volum 43.(3) s. 350-364
Martiny, Kristian Moltke; Aggerholm, Kenneth. Embodying Cognition: Working with self-control in cerebral palsy. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 2016 ;Volum 9.(e33) s. 1-22
Standal, Øyvind Førland; Aggerholm, Kenneth. Habits, skills and embodied experiences: a contribution to philosophy of physical education. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2016 ;Volum 10.(3) s. 269-282
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Existential philosophy and sport. I: Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Sport. Routledge 2015 ISBN 978-0-415-82980-9. s. 142-160
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Talent Development, Existential Philosophy and Sport : On Becoming an Elite Athlete. Routledge 2015 (ISBN 978-1-138-02553-0) 210 s.
Martiny, Kristian Moltke; Aggerholm, Kenneth. “Ja vi kan” – Et pilotstudie fra HEC Vintercamp 2014. Charlottenlund: Helene Elsass Center 2015 48 s.
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Introduction to the Philosophy of Sport. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2014 ;Volum 8.(2) s. 203-208
Aggerholm, Kenneth. The Philosophy of Sport: Advances, Contours and Potentials of an Academic Discipline (The Bloomsbury Companion to the Philosophy of Sport). Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum 2014
Ronglan, Lars Tore; Aggerholm, Kenneth. ‘Humour helps’: Elite sports coaching as a balancing act. Sports Coaching Review 2014
Ronglan, Lars Tore; Aggerholm, Kenneth. Humour and sports coaching : a laughing matter?. I: Routledge handbook of sports coaching. Routledge 2013 ISBN 978-0-415-78222-7. s. 222-234
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Elite-Bildung : An Existential-Phenomenological Study of Talents Developing in Football. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitet 2013
Aggerholm, Kenneth. Express yourself: the value of theatricality in soccer. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 2013 ;Volum 40.(2) s. 205-224


Ethical Expertise, Phronesis and Moral Education: Special Issue of Moving Bodies, No. 2 2006 Vol. 4 Ejgil Jespersen, Matti Goksøyr & Lars Tore Ronglan (red) Oslo: Norges Idrettshøgskole 2006 (book review 071024)
Research Ethics in Exercise, Health and Sports Sciences Mike McNamee, Steve Olivier & Paul Wainwright Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2007 (book review 080206)
Ethics, Dis/Ability and Sports Ejgil Jespersen & Mike McNamee (red) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (book review 100310)
The Bloomsbury Companion to the Philosophy of Sport Cesar R. Torres (red) London: Bloomsbury 2014 (book review 141017)
Practising movement at home: An idea for meaningful remote teaching in physical education (feature article, with Dean Barker, Håkan Larsson & Øyvind Førland Standal, 210521)

Publicerad 2014-05-16 | Uppdaterad 2023-03-20


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