European Physical Education Review, Vol. 27, 2021, No. 4



A contingency perspective on learning and instruction in physical education
Jonas Wibowo, Ben Dyson
pp. 727–742

Open Access
Using discussion to inform action: Formative research on nature-based physical activity as a means of fostering relatedness for girls in physical and health education
Jennifer Gruno, Sandra L. Gibbons
pp. 743–760

Open Access
Primary field experiences: Critical for primary generalist physical education teachers?
Frances Murphy, Susan Marron, Maura Coulter
pp. 761–778

Understanding students’ novelty satisfaction in physical education: Associations with need-supportive teaching style and physical activity intention
Alberto Aibar, Ángel Abós, Luis García-González, David González-Cutre, Javier Sevil-Serrano
pp. 779–797

Challenges faced by preservice and novice teachers in implementing student-centred models: A systematic review
Rita Silva, Cláudio Farias, Isabel Mesquita
pp. 798–816

Teachers’ perceptions of a lesson study intervention as professional development in physical education
Menno Slingerland, Lars Borghouts, Sara Laurijssens, Bregje van Dijk-van Eijck, Teun Remmers, Gwen Weeldenburg
pp. 817–836

The influence of a teacher-designed and -implemented disability awareness programme on the attitudes of students toward inclusion
Raul Reina, Justin A. Haegele, Alberto Pérez-Torralba, Laura Carbonell-Hernández, Alba Roldan
pp. 837–853

Students from refugee backgrounds in physical education: A survey of teachers’ perceptions
Fabienne Bartsch, Ingo Wagner, Bettina Rulofs
pp. 854–870

Examination of elementary students’ emotions and personal and social responsibility in physical education
Kelly L. Simonton, Victoria N. Shiver
pp. 871–888

Open Access
Students’ experiences and learning of social inclusion in team activities in physical education
Dag Ove G Hovdal, Tommy Haugen, Inger Beate Larsen, Bjørn Tore Johansen
pp. 889–907

‘I’m nearly as active as the boys who play football’: A multiple-case study of social identification among least active pupils
Anette Bentholm, Charlotte Pawlowski, Sine Agergaard
pp. 908–926

Under a growth-centered accountability system: A job demand and resource perspective for physical educators
Tan Zhang
pp. 927–943

Open Access
Developing the practice of pre-service physical education teachers through a dyad model of lesson study
Penny Lamb, Graham King
pp. 944–960

Antecedents of primary school teachers’ need-supportive and need-thwarting styles in physical education
Géraldine Escriva-Boulley, Leen Haerens, Damien Tessier, Philippe Sarrazin
pp. 961–980

A reexamination of pre-service physical education teacher attitudes toward school-based health-related fitness testing in the USA
Xiaolu Liu, Xiaofen D. Keating
pp. 981–999

The effects of a tactical games model unit on students’ volleyball performances in elementary school
Francesco Sgrò, Roberto Coppola, Rosaria Schembri, Mario Lipoma
pp. 1000–1013

The effects of service-learning on physical education teacher education: A case study on the border between Africa and Europe
Oscar Chiva-Bartoll, Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero, Juan José Leiva Olivencia, Henrietta Grönlund
pp. 1014–1031


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