Special Issue Introduction
Student learning through interaction in physical education
Dean Barker, Tristan Wallhead, Mikael Quennerstedt
Special Issue Articles
Productive disciplinary engagement within didactical transactions
Chantal Amade-Escot, Nabila Bennour
Losing touch – Teachers’ self-regulation in physical education
Marie Öhman
A didactic analysis of content development during Cooperative Learning in primary physical education
Tristan Wallhead, Ben Dyson
How to structure group work? Conditions of efficacy and methodological considerations in physical education
Lucile Lafont, Camille Rivière, Florence Darnis, Pascal Legrain
Power and group work in physical education
Dean Barker, Mikael Quennerstedt
Students’ verbal exchanges and dynamics during Sport Education
Sheri Brock, Peter Hastie
Student interactions in the hidden curriculum
Ashley Casey