Call for Participation | “Sport, Diplomacy and Influence” – Seminar Series, Spring 2023

An American tennis table player trains with a Chinese tennis table player, in April, 1971 in Beijing, China. (

We are pleased to invite you to attend an online seminar to be held this spring: Sport, Diplomacy and Influence. This bilingual (French & English) webinar will be held once a month. All sessions will take place from 5PM to 7PM – Paris hour (except session 6 from noon to 2PM). As the seminar aims at fostering debates between historians of cultural and sport diplomacy, each session will be discussed by experts from both fields.

Full programme:

  • 23 January: What is the impact of sport within diplomacy and history of international relations?
    • Simon Rofe (Leeds University, UK) & Patrick Clastres (Lausanne University, CH): Historiographical and epistemological issues / Enjeux historiographiques et épistémologiques (Language: English & French)
    • Lindsay Krasnoff (New York University, US): Case Study: Basketball Diplomacy in Africa / Etude de cas: La diplomatie du basketball en Afrique  (Language: English)
  • 6 February: Sport, Cultural Influence and Economics
    • Valérie Bonnet (Paul Sabatier – Toulouse University, FR): Sport, industries culturelles et soft power / Sport, Cultural Industries and Soft Power (Language: French)
    • Yannick Deschamps (Picardie University, FR): A la croisée des diplomaties sportive et économique: la coopération olympique de la France lors des Jeux d’été de Moscou (1980) et des Jeux d’hiver de Sarajevo (1984) / At the Crossroads of Sports and Economic Diplomacy: France’s Olympic Cooperation during the Summer Games in Moscow (1980) and the Winter Games in Sarajevo (1984) (Language: French)
  • 6 March: Autonomies, Identities and Football in and outside of Spain
    • Julian Rieck (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, DE): “The best embassy we have ever sent abroad“– Real Madrid as an actor of sports diplomacy in Francoist Spain / “La meilleure ambassade que l’on ait jamais envoyée – Le Real Madrid comme acteur de la diplomatie sportive dans l’Espagne franquiste (Language: English)
    • Michel Martinez (Toulouse Capitole University, FR): Le Barça: «plus qu’un club»
      pendant le processus indépendantiste catalan (2012-2017)? / The Football club Barcelona: “more than a club” during the Catalan independence process (2012-2017)? (Language: French)
    • André Gounot (Strasbourg University, FR): Les tournées de l’équipe de football Euzkadi, 1937-1939. Une vue transnationale sur la diplomatie publique autour de la Guerre civile d’Espagne / The tours of the Euzkadi football team, 1937-1939. A transnational view on public diplomacy around the Spanish Civil War (Language: French)
  • 3 April: State, Diplomacy and Sport
    • Nicola Sbetti (Bologna University, IT): «Lo sport agli sportivi»: la voie italienne à la diplomatie sportive (1944-1956)“ / Lo sport agli sportivi”: the Italian approach to sports diplomacy (1944-1956) (Language: French)
    • Lidia Lesnykh (Fribourg University, CH): Le sport universitaire au service de la diplomatie culturelle de la IIIème République (1919-1939) / University sport as a tool of cultural diplomacy in Third Republic France (1919-1939) (Language: French)
    • Yoav Dubinsky (Oregon University, US): Israel’s use of sports for nation branding and public diplomacy / L’utilisation par Israël du sport pour l’image de marque de la nation et la diplomatie publique (Language: English)
  • 15 May: The Diplomatic Invention of New Sporting Worlds
    • Cem Savaş (Yeditepe University, TR): Sports Diplomacy with a Religious Makeup: The Case of Turkey and Islamic Solidarity Games (2022) / Une diplomatie sportive teintée de religion: le cas de la Turquie et des Jeux de la solidarité islamique (2022) (Language: English)
    • Amanda Shuman (Freiburg University, DE): Sports Diplomacy, China, and the Afro-Asian World: Reassessing the 1960s Games of the New Emerging Forces Movement / La diplomatie sportive, la Chine et le monde afro-asiatique: réévaluation de la dynamique des GANEFO (Jeux des nouvelles forces émergentes) dans les années 1960 (Language: Engish)
  • 5 June: Sports Diplomacy and its Limits (At noon instead of 5PM!)
    • Clément Astruc (Sorbonne Nouvelle University, FR): Le football, une ressource pour la diplomatie brésilienne? (années 1950- début des années 1970) / Football, a tool for Brazilian diplomacy? (1950’s-1970’s) (Language: French)
    • Lucie Hémeury (Lausanne University, CH): Renforcer l’ « amitié franco-argentine » grâce au sport? Limites et errements d’une ébauche de diplomatie culturelle bilatérale entre la IVe République et le péronisme (1946-1955) / Enhancing the “Franco-Argentine friendship” through sport? Considerations on a cultural diplomacy attempt between the French Fourth Republic and Peronism (1946-1955) (Language: French)
    • Geoff Pigman (Lausanne University, CH): Falling short: how and why sports diplomacy fails? / Loin des attentes : comment et pourquoi la diplomatie sportive échoue-t-
      elle ? (Language: English)

Zoom link: To obtain the access code, please contact:

For more information feel free to write to:

Best regards,

Patrick Clastres (Lausanne University), Charlotte Faucher (Sorbonne University) Claire Nicolas (FNS & SOAS) & Nicolas Peyre (Toulouse University).


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